Many Peaces Trilogy


Many Peaces Trilogoy (New)

2018 | Dietrich, Wolfgang

Elicitive Conflict Mapping, Palgrave Macmillan UK

This book completes Wolfgang Dietrich’s path-breaking trilogy of the Many Peaces; the foundation of the highly innovative approach to peace and conflict as taught and applied at the University of Innsbruck, Austria.

Where Volume 1 elaborated the transrational philosophy of the many peaces and Volume 2 discussed the curricular and didactic aspects of elicitive conflict transformation (ECM), Volume 3 provides principles and examples of ECM’s practical application. The author drafts the easy use of ECM as a brand new method of conflict work that can be applied from both intra and interpersonal conflicts to the highest political and diplomatic level. This book would form an excellent basis for leadership and relationship training of future peace workers within the frame of elicitive conflict transformation.

Many Peaces Volume 2

2013 | Dietrich, Wolfgang

Elicitive Conflict Transformation and the Transrational Shift in Peace Politics, Many Peaces Volume 2, London, Palgrave Macmillan

This second volume in the 'Many Peaces' series analyses the emergence of elicitive conflict transformation, demonstrating how the principles of peace and conflict work are interrelated with humanistic psychological insights and methods.

This volume discusses the recent changes of working conditions in the fields of diplomacy, military, development cooperation and political economy, exploring how this 'trans-rational' turn impacts practical peace and conflict work and experiential peace education. Based on the principles of humanistic psychology and Yoga philosophy, and as a wider concept of John Paul Lederach's well-known conflict pyramid, this book introduces a wide range of breath-oriented, voice-oriented and movement-oriented methods and their application in practical fieldwork.

Dietrich's study presents a new model of themes, levels and layers in conflict analysis, which adds to the conventional understanding of human relations and conflicts.

Many Peaces Volume 1

2012 | Dietrich, Wolfgang

Interpretations of Peace in History and Culture, Many Peaces Volume 1, London, Palgrave Macmillan. 

Spanning continents as well as disciplines, the first volume of the mini-series 'Many Peaces' presents a panorama of diverse interpretations of peace in world history and culture. Dietrich takes the reader on a fascinating journey through time and space, exploring the so-called fived families of peace - energetic, moral, modern, postmodern, and transrational.

Deutsch: Variationen über die vielen Frieden


2015 | Dietrich, Wolfgang

Variationen über die vielen Frieden, Band 3: Elicitive Conflict Mapping, Schriften des UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies an der Universität Innsbruck,  VS Verlag, Wiesbaden

Der dritte Band der Variationen über die vielen Frieden von Wolfgang Dietrich vervollständigt die Trilogie über den friedens- und konflikttheoretischen Ansatz des Innsbrucker UNESCO Chairs for Peace Studies.

Aufbauend auf den philosophischen Grundlagen des Band 1 und den methodisch-didaktischen Überlegungen des Band 2 präsentiert Band 3 Elicitive Conflict Mapping als praktisches Werkzeug angewandter Konfliktarbeit. Die Methode wird im ersten Teil hergeleitet, begründet und beschrieben, um ihre Anwendung vom intrapersonalen Konflikt, über persönliche zwischenmenschliche Konflikte bis zum großen politischen Feld in allen Zusammenhängen nachvollziehbar zu machen. Im zweiten Teil wird die Methode anhand konkreter Lernbeispiele getestet. Der Autor greift auf weithin bekannte Film- und Literaturbeispiele zurück, an denen sich der Leser selbst mit der Methode versuchen kann. Anschließend wendet er die Methode auf seine persönlichen Erfahrungen an.


2011 | Dietrich, Wolfgang

Variationen über die vielen Frieden, Band 2: Elicitive Konflikttransformation und die transrationale Wende in der Friedenspolitik, Schriften des UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies der Universität Innsbruck, Wiesbaden, VS-Verlag.

This second volume highlights the origin, teaching, art and practice of elicitive conflict transformation as it is embedded in transrational peace research and taught at the MA Program.

It deepens the debate on the tansrational approach introduced in the first volume and presents elicitice conflict transformation as method resulting thereof. The application in teaching in connection with the challenges of current conflict work form the core concern of this book.


2008 | Dietrich, Wolfgang

Variationen über die vielen Frieden, Band 1: Deutungen, Schriften des UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies der Universität Innsbruck, Wiesbaden, VS-Verlag.

This book by UNESCO Chairholder Wolfgang Dietrich is the first volume in the series 'Publications of the UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies at the University of Innsbruck'.

It also is the beginning of the trilogy by Wolfgang Dietrich aimed towards the systematization and comprehensive interpretation of the concept of peace in different historical and cultural contexts. This initial volume furthermore offers the first comprehensive overview over the transrational concepts of peace. Transrational peaces, in turn, form the basis for the specific understanding of elicitive conflict transformation as it is taught at the MA Program for Peace Studies in Innsbruck.

Português: Interpretações de Paz na História e na Cultura

Interpretações de Paz na História e na Cultura

2019 | Dietrich, Wolfgang

Interpretações de Paz na História e na Cultura, O lançamento do Volume 1: “Interpretações de Paz na História e na Cultura” vai acontecer no segundo semestre de 2019.

A obra propõe uma análise inovadora das interpretações das pazes de acordo com a história e as culturas. Com isso, Dietrich e seu time desenvolveram a ideia de cinco famílias de pazes: as pazes energética, moral, moderna, pós-moderna e transracional.

Esta é uma obra inovadora para o campo dos Estudos de Paz e Conflitos. Ele transita em diversas abordagens filosóficas, históricas, antropológicas, sociológicas e adentra nos campos culturais e espirituais do Budismo, Hinduísmo, Cristianismo e outros, e sua relação com os Estudos de Paz e Conflitos.

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