Masters of Peace

A Series for Outstanding MA-Thesis written at the MA Program for Peace Studies and published by the UNESCO Chair

2018 | Veliu, Liridona  

#Balkanization: A Critical Study of Otherness through Twitter, Masters of Peace Volume 18, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag.

2018 | Rowek, Marcella 

The Political Necessity of Transpersonal Work. Deep Democracy's Potential to Transform Polarized Conflicts, Masters of Peace Volume 17, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag.

2018 | Metzger-Traber, Julia

If the Body Politic Could Breathe in the Age of the Refugee: An Embodied Philosophy of Interconnection, Masters of Peace Volume 16, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag.

2017 | Najibullah, Heela

Reconciliation and Social Healing in AfghanistanA Transrational and Elicitive Analysis Towards Transformation, Masters of Peace Volume 15, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag.

2017 | Sandstad, Jennie Helene

Breathing Meditation as a Tool for Peace Work. A Transrational and Elicitive Method Towards Healing the Healers, Masters of Peace Volume 14, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag.

2016 | Frederiksen, Morten 

Synchronicity as Transpersonal Modality. An Exploration of Jungian Spirituality in the Frame of Transrational Philosophy, Masters of Peace Volume 13, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag.

2016 | Hamed, Adham

Speaking the Unspeakable. Sounds of the Middle East Conflict, Masters of Peace Volume 12, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag.

2015 | Friedel, Sophie

The Art of Living Sideways, Skateboarding, Peace and Elicitive Conflict Transformation, Masters of Peace Volume 11, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag.

2014 | Seyoum Woldeyes, Billene

Transformative Spaces. Enabling Authentic Female Leadership through Self Transformation. The Case of AWiB, Masters of Peace Volume 10, Vienna, LIT Verlag.

2013 | McGoey, Kathleen

Harmonizing Heavens and Earth. A Daoist Shamanic Approach to Peacework, Masters of Peace Volume 9, Vienna, LIT Verlag.

2013 | Mahmoud, Noor Jdid

Twisting Identity and Belonging Beyond Dichotomies. The case of second generation female migrants in Norway, Masters of Peace Volume 8, Vienna, LIT Verlag.

2012 | Vallejo Piedrahíta, Catalina

Plurality of Peaces in Legal Action. Analyzing Constitutional Objections to Military Service in Colombia, Masters of Peace Volume 7, Vienna, LIT Verlag.

2012 | Dueck, J. Alicia

Negotiating Sexual Identities. Lesbian, Gay and Queer Perspectives on Being Mennonite, Masters of Peace Volume 6, Vienna, LIT Verlag.

Please click to download an electronic version of the Appendix to this book

2012 | Lozano Mancera, Natalia

Playing Music, Performing Reistance. The Dynamics of Resistance through Music in the Colombian South Pacific Coast, Masters of Peace Volume 5, Vienna, LIT Verlag.

2011 | Bukuluki, Paul

Negotiating Retributive and Restorative Justice in Conflict Transformation. A Case of Northern Uganda, Masters of Peace Volume 4, Vienna, LIT Verlag.

2011 | Ditzel Facci, Paula

On Human Potential. Peace and Conflict Transformation Fostered Through Dance, Masters of Peace Volume 3, Vienna, LIT Verlag.

2010 | Buchleitner, Katya

Glimpses of Freedom: The Art and Soul of Theatre of the Oppressed in Prisons, Masters of Peace Volume 2, Vienna, LIT Verlag.

2010 | Kumar, Samrat Schmiem

Bhakti - the yoga of love. Trans-rational approaches to Peace Studies, Masters of Peace Volume 1, Vienna, LIT Verlag.


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