
Ilse Kranner

Ilse Kranner stands in a greenhouse.


Plants, environmental stress factors


+43 512 507 51035
Personal Website

Languages: German, English

Ilse Kranner’s main interests are in plant physiology and biochemistry, with a specific interest in plant response to environmental stress factors, including those that occur more frequently in the context of climate change, especially drought and elevated temperatures. One of her research aims is to contribute to the unravelling of molecular mechanisms that underpin plant stress tolerance. She also investigates mechanisms of desiccation tolerance that enable seeds, lichens and resurrection plants to survive in the absence of water.

Focus-Cloud: biochemistry and physiology of plants, stress response and desiccation tolerance of plants and seeds, seeds, lichens


Ilse Kranner studied Biology at the University of Graz, where she received her PhD in Botany and Biochemistry in 1995, followed by working on various research projects, incuding in the framework of an APART fellowship of the Austrian Acedemy of Sciences. Between 2002 and 2012, she worked at the Millennium Seedbank of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (UK). Since 2012, Ilse Kranner is Full Professor at the Department of Botany of the University of Innsbruck, where she is currently Head of Department. She is also involved in the Research Areas “Mountain Regions” and the “Center for Molecular Biosciences” (CMBI).

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