
Michael Traugott

Porträtfoto von Michael Traugott




+43 512 507 51864
Applied Animal Ecology Group
Mountain Agriculture Research Unit
Personal Website

Languages: German, English

Michael Traugott is Professor of Applied Zoology and Head of the Department of Applied Animal Ecology at the Institute of Zoology at the University of Innsbruck. He has been conducting international research in the field of insects (entomology) for 25 years. He and his team have over 20 years of experience in the development and use of DNA trace analysis and in the study of insects in various habitats. He also works on marine biodiversity, food relationships in ecosystems and sustainable forms of cultivation in mountain agriculture.

Focus-Cloud: Ecosystems, biodiversity, insects, birds, eDNA, agroecology, mountain agriculture, sustainable forms of cultivation, food web relations


Michael Traugott graduated in Zoology, Ecology and Agroecology in 1997 and received his doctoral degree from the University of Innsbruck in 2001. In 2007 he obtained his professorial qualification in Ecology at the University of Innsbruck with the analysis of food web relations with molecular methods. His interests cover the ecology of animals in natural and managed ecosystems and the role these play in providing ecosystem services such as pest control or pollination. Michael’s interest in environmental molecular diagnostics is reflected in his research on environmental DNA, aiming at documenting biodiversity. He is also head of the Research Unit for Mountain Agriculture, which brings together agricultural research at the University of Innsbruck and provides an interdisciplinary forum.

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