International Mountain Conference - IMC2025
Student for Student Summerschool – S4SSS2025
Research about Mountains in the Mountains - A UNIque option
With the RA Mountain Regions, the University of Innsbruck - as the only university in Austria - has spatially defined one of its central research areas.
With this focus, the long-standing tradition and important role of the University of Innsbruck in international mountain research is being continued. Scientific findings are bundled, extended and optimized within joined activities.
Partnerships, Activities, Networking
The research area Mountain Regions ccoperates with various research groups, stakeholders, and scientific communities to promote knowledge exchange and initiate new projects.

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Barbara Schneider-Muntau
Deputy Speaker
Scientific Activities
+43 (0) 512 507 62382
Barbara Schneider-Muntau
Technical Support
Studying IN and ABOUT the Mountain Regions

>> Do you want to better understand mountain systems?
>> Do want to study within a mountain environment?
>> Do you want to work in an interdisciplinary research environment?
>> Do you want to contribute to the organisation of scientific events?
... then become part of the "Doctoral School in Mountain Research"
What is the "Innsbruck Doctoral School in Mountain Research" ?
The "Innsbruck Doctoral School in Mountain Research" (IDS) complements and expands your regular studies in a specific field of mountain research. In addition to your general degree certificate, you will receive a certificate for successful participation in the IDS. Furthermore, the IDS strongly supports interdisciplinary cooperation among peers and senior researchers. As part of IDS, there are also various activities that enhance your skills beyond your research .
Currently, the IDS consists of four doctoral colleges (IDC) for which you can apply for when you are enrolled for a PhD study in the respective subjects.