Poster Gallery

A poster with title: Medication at risk of inducing delirium in dementia patients

Title: Medication at risk of inducing delirium in dementia patients (May 2023)

A poster of title: Medication at risk of inducing delirium: development of a comprehensive pocket guide for clinical practice.

Title: Medication at risk of inducing delirium: development of a comprehensive pocket guide for clinical practice. (June 2023)

A poster with the title: Views of key healthcare stakeholders on the  implementation of a clinical pharmacy competency  framework for hospital pharmacists in Austria:  a pilot study Link to the Competency  Framework

Title: Views of key healthcare stakeholders on the implementation of a clinical pharmacy competency framework for hospital pharmacists in Austria: a pilot study Link to the Competency Framework (Oct 2023)

A poster with the title: Title: Identification, Classification, and Documentation of Drug Related Problems in Community Pharmacy Practice: A Scoping Review.

Title: Identification, Classification, and Documentation of Drug Related Problems in Community Pharmacy Practice: A Scoping Review. (Jan 2024)


A poster with the title: Experiences, Views and Attitudes of Hospital Nursing Staff Towards the Implementation of the Unit Dose Dispensing System for Inpatients: A Qualitative Interview Study

Title: Identification, Classification, and Documentation of Drug Related Problems in Community Pharmacy Practice: A Scoping Review. (Jan 2024)


A poster of the title: Clinical Pharmacy Prioritisation Algorithm for Patients in Psychiatric Long-term Care: A Pilot Study.

Title: Clinical Pharmacy Prioritisation Algorithm for Patients in Psychiatric Long-term Care: A Pilot Study. (Feb 2024)


A poster with the title: Navigating challenges in pharmacy education:  a comprehensive analysis of a pharmacy curriculum

Title: Navigating challenges in pharmacy education:  a comprehensive analysis of a  pharmacy curriculum (May 2024)

A poster with the title: Exploring Discrepancy Classification: A Scoping Review of Pharmacy Students' Practices in Obtaining Best Possible Medication Histories

Title: Exploring Discrepancy Classification: A Scoping Review of Pharmacy Students' Practices in Obtaining Best Possible Medication Histories. (June 2024)

A poster with the title: Community Pharmacists' Perspectives on Managing Drug-Related Problems in Austria: A Focus Group Study

Title: Community Pharmacists' Perspectives on Managing Drug-Related Problems in Austria: A Focus Group Study (Sep 2024)

A poster with the title: Methodological approach of a multi-method study to allow the development and implementation of a clinical pharmaceutical competency framework for hospital pharmacists in Austria

Title: Methodological approach of a multi-method study to allow the development and implementation of a clinical pharmaceutical competency framework for hospital pharmacists in Austria (Jan 2024)

A poster with the title: Medication associated delirium risk in patients with and  without dementia: A systematic review

Title: Medication associated delirium risk in patients with and without dementia: A systematic review. (Oct 2024)

A poster with the title: Digitale Transformation der interprofessionellen  Zusammenarbeit: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze  für die Arzt-Apotheker-Kommunikation in Österreich

Title: Digitale Transformation der interprofessionellen Zusammenarbeit: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für die Arzt-Apotheker-Kommunikation in Österreich (Sep 2024)

A poster with the title: Utilizing the Theoretical Domains Framework  to investigate community pharmacists' views  on drug-related problem management in routine pharmacy practice

Title: Utilizing the Theoretical Domains Framework to investigate community pharmacists' views on drug-related problem management in routine pharmacy practice (Jan 2025)

A poster with the title: Identifizieren, Priorisieren, Lösen: Herausforderungen und Strategien im Umgang mit arzneimittelbezogenen Problemen in öffentlichen Apotheken - eine Fokusgruppenstudie

Title: Identifizieren, Priorisieren, Lösen: Herausforderungen und Strategien im Umgang mit arzneimittelbezogenen Problemen in öffentlichen Apotheken - eine Fokusgruppenstudie (Mar 2025)

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