Portrait Clara Bertel


Senior Lecturer


Institute of Pharmacy/Pharmacognosy
University of Innsbruck
Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine
Innrain 80 - 82/IV
Room: L.04.023 
6020 Innsbruck / Austria

Phone: +43 512 507 - 58410
Email: clara.bertel@uibk.ac.at

Research interests

  • Plant ecology
  • Alpine adaption
  • Parallel evolutio

Publication List

Pagitz K, Thalinger M, Silbernagl L, Falch M, Bertel C, Unzeta M, Baur T, Trenkwalder I, Lechner Pagitz C, Mittendrein B, Carnicero P, Aster I, Schipflinger M, Schönswetter P (2023). Updates zu seltenen Gefäßpflanzen Nordtirols - Ergebnisse der gezielten Nachsuche ausgewählter Arten. Neilreichia 13-14: 91-194.

Wos G, Arc E, Hülber K, Konečná V, Knotek A, Požárová D, Bertel C, Kaplenig D, Mandáková T, Neuner G, Schönswetter P, Kranner I, Kolář F (2022). Parallel local adaptation to an alpine environment in Arabidopsis arenosaJournal of Ecology 110(10): 2448-2461.

Bertel C*, Kaplenig D*, Ralser M, Arc E, Kolář F, Wos G, Hülber K, Holzinger A, Kranner I, Neuner G (2022). Parallel differentiation and plastic adjustment of leaf anatomy in alpine Arabidopsis arenosa ecotypes. Plants, 11(19), 2626. (*shared first authors)

Kaplenig D*, Bertel C*, Arc E, Villscheider R, Ralser M, Kolář F, Wos G, Hülber K, Kranner I, Neuner G (2022). Repeated colonization of alpine habitats by Arabidopsis arenosa viewed through freezing resistance and ice management strategies. Plant Biology, 24(6), 939-949. (*shared first authors)

Szukala A, Bertel C, Frajman B, Schönswetter P, Paun O (2022). Parallel adaptation to lower altitudes is associated with enhanced plasticity in Heliosperma pusillum (Caryophyllaceae). bioRxiv.

Bertel C, Hacker J, Neuner G (2021). Protective Role of Ice Barriers: How reproductive organs of early flowering and mountain plants escape frost injuries. Plants 10 (5): 1031.

Bertel C, Nachbaur P (2019).  Epipactis purpurata Sm.– Eine neue Orchideenart für die Flora Vorarlbergs. inatura – Forschung online, 69.

Záveská E, Maylandt C, Paun O, Bertel C, Frajman B, STEPPE Consortium, Schönswetter P (2019) Multiple auto- and allopolyploidisations marked the pleistocene history of the widespread Eurasian steppe plant Astragalus onobrychis (Fabaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2019.106572

Bertel C, Hülber K, Frajman B, Schönswetter P (2018). Natural selection drives parallel divergence in the mountain plant Heliosperma pusillum s.l. Oikos 127: 1355–1367.

Buchner O, Roach T, Gertzen J, Schenk S, Karadar M, Stöggl W, Miller R, Bertel C, Kranner I, Neuner G. Drought affects heat-hardening capacity in alpine plants – relations to xanthophyll cycle pigments, singlet oxygen scavenging, α-tocopherol and plant hormones (2017). Environmental and Experimental Botany. 133, S. 159-175.

Bertel C, Schönswetter P, Frajman B, Holzinger A, Neuner G. (2017): Leaf anatomy of two reciprocally non-monophyletic mountain plants (Heliosperma sp.): Does heritable adaptation to divergent growing sites accompany the onset of speciation? Protoplasma, doi:10.1007/s00709-016-1032-5.

Bertel C, Hülber K, Frajman B, Schönswetter P (2016): No evidence of intrinsic reproductive isolation between two reciprocally non-monophyletic, ecologically differentiated mountain plants at an early stage of speciation. Evolutionary Ecology, 30, S. 1031 - 1042.

Bertel C, Buchner O, Schönswetter P, Frajman B, Neuner G (2016). Environmentally induced and (epi-) genetically based physiological trait differentiation between Heliosperma pusillum and its polytopically evolved ecologically divergent descendent, H. veselskyi (Caryophyllaceae: Sileneae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 182, S. 658 – 669.

Mayr S, Bertel C, Dämon B, Beikircher B (2014). Static and dynamic bending has minor effects on xylem hydraulics of conifer branches (Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris). Plant Cell and Environment 37, S. 2151 – 2157.


Teaching activities

  • Morphologic and anatomic analyses of medicinal herbs, UE
  • Identification exercises for plants, UE
  • Quality control of medicinal plants, UE (winter term 2023)
  • Quality control of TCM plants, VU (winter term 2023)
  • Bachelor´s Thesis in Pharmacy, PS
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