Stefan SCHWAIGER, Mag. pharm. Dr.
Research Associate
Institute of Pharmacy/Pharmacognosy
University of Innsbruck
Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine
Innrain 80 - 82/IV
Room: L.04.042
6020 Innsbruck / Austria
Phone: +43 512 507 - 58409
Email: stefan.schwaiger@uibk.ac.at
- Isolation and structure elucidation of biological active compounds from natural sources
- Analysis of secondary metabolites from higher plants by HPLC, GC and related techniques
01.05.2020-30.04.2022: project leader and coordinator:
Searching for potential therapeutic agents for managing diabetic wounds from Vietnamese medicinal plants targeting matrix metalloproteinase-9 | (OEAD Project) | Cooperation Development Research- KoEF06/2019
Nachwuchsförderung of the University of Innsbruck. Project titel: “Naturstoffe mit Einfluss auf das NPS/NPSR-System”
Awarded project at the "PRIZE 2008" competition of the uni:invent II framework
Poster Award at the 19. Wissenschaftlichen Tagung der Österreichischen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, 20. - 22. April 2006, Innsbruck, Austria
Poster Award at the International Congress on Natural Products Research, July 31st - August 4th, Phoenix, Arizona
Publication List
PhD Thesis
Schwaiger, S. (2005): Phytochemical, Pharmacological and Analytical Investigations of Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum Cass.) and related species. Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, 95 S.
Seasonal variation in the chemical composition of two chemotypes of Lippia alba. Gomes, Angelica Ferraz; Almeida, Maiara Prates; Leite, Mateus Freire; Schwaiger, Stefan; Stuppner, Hermann; Halabalaki, Maria; Amaral, Juliano Geraldo; David, Jorge Mauricio Food Chemistry (2019), 273, 186-193.
Constituents of Mediterranean Spices Counteracting Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation: Identification and Characterization of Rosmarinic Acid Methyl Ester as a Novel Inhibitor. Liu Rongxia; Liu Wanhui; Heiss Elke H; Blazevic Tina; Schachner Daniel; Dirsch Verena M; Atanasov Atanas G; Waltenberger Birgit; Schwaiger Stefan; Stuppner Hermann; et al. Molecular nutrition & food research (2018), 62(7), e1700860.
Development of a selective HPLC-DAD/ELSD method for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of commercially available Eurycoma longifolia products and plant extracts. Mutschlechner, Benjamin; Schwaiger, Stefan; Tran, Thi Van Anh; Stuppner, Hermann. Fitoterapia (2018), 124, 188-192.
Dihydrochalcone Glucosides from the Subaerial Parts of Thonningia sanguinea and Their in Vitro PTP1B Inhibitory Activities. Pompermaier, Luca; Heiss, Elke H.; Alilou, Mostafa; Mayr, Fabian; Monizi, Mawunu; Lautenschlaeger, Thea; Schuster, Daniela; Schwaiger, Stefan; Stuppner, Hermann. Journal of Natural Products (2018), 81(9), 2091-2100.
Identification of the NADPH Oxidase 4 Inhibiting Principle of Lycopus europaeus. Revoltella Silvia; Waltenberger Birgit; Schwaiger Stefan; Stuppner Hermann; Baraldo Giorgia; Kofler Philipp; Jansen-Duerr Pidder; Moesslacher Julia; Huber-Seidel Astrid; Kohl Roland; et al. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) (2018), 23(3) 653/1-653/12.
In vitro metabolism of selected bioactive compounds of Eurycoma longifolia root extract to identify suitable markers in doping control. Brauer Pia; Anielski Patricia; Thieme Detlef; Keiler Anne-Kathrin Martina; Schwaiger Stefan; Stuppner Hermann; Tran Thi Van Anh; Tran Thi Van Anh; Vollmer Gunter; Zierau Oliver; et al. Drug testing and analysis (2018).
Medicinal plants of northern Angola and their anti-inflammatory. Pompermaier Luca; Stuppner Hermann; Marzocco Stefania; Adesso Simona; Monizi Mawunu; Schwaiger Stefan; Neinhuis Christoph; Lautenschlager Thea. Journal of Ethnopharmacology (2018), 216, 26-36.
Novel Natural Products for Healthy Ageing from the Mediterranean Diet and Food Plants of Other Global Sources-The MediHealth Project. Waltenberger Birgit; Schwaiger Stefan; Stuppner Hermann; Halabalaki Maria; Skaltsounis Alexios-Leandros; Adamopoulos Nicolas; Allouche Noureddine; Fiebich Bernd L; Hermans Nina; Pieters Luc; et al. Molecules (2018), 23(5), 1097/1-1097/16.
Simultaneous determination of iridoids, phenylpropanoids and flavonoids in Lippia alba extracts by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. Gomes, Angelica F.; Ganzera, Markus; Schwaiger, Stefan; Stuppner, Hermann; Halabalaki, Maria; Almeida, Maiara P.; Leite, Mateus F.; Amaral, Juliano G.; David, Jorge M. Microchemical Journal (2018), 138, 494-500.
Tyrosinase Inhibitors from the Aerial Parts of Wulfenia carinthiaca Jacq. Mutschlechner Benjamin; Rainer Bettina; Schwaiger Stefan; Stuppner Hermann. Chemistry & Biodiversity (2018), 15(4), e1800014.
Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant potential of the root extract and constituents of Doronicum austriacum. Marzocco, Stefania; Adesso, Simona; Alilou, Mostafa; Stuppner, Hermann; Schwaiger, Stefan. Molecules (2017), 22(6), 1003/1-1003/13.
Aristolic Acid Derivatives from the Bark of Antidesma ghaesembilla. Schäfer Sibylle; Schwaiger Stefan; Stuppner Hermann. Planta medica (2017), 83(12-13), 1097-1102.
Eurycomalactone Inhibits Expression of Endothelial Adhesion Molecules at a Post-Transcriptional Level. Malainer, Clemens; Schachner, Daniel; Sangiovanni, Enrico; Atanasov, Atanas G.; Schwaiger, Stefan; Stuppner, Hermann; Heiss, Elke H.; Dirsch, Verena M. Journal of Natural Products (2017), 80(12), 3186-3193.
Isolation of Three Triterpene Saponins, Including Two New Oleanane Derivatives, from Soldanella alpina and Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography-Evaporative Light Scattering Detection of these Three Saponins in Four Soldenella species. Haller, Julia; Schwaiger, Stefan; Stuppner, Hermann; Gafner, Frank; Ganzera, Markus. Phytochemical Analysis (2017), 28(6), 567-574.
A combination of trastuzumab and BAG-1 inhibition synergistically targets HER2 positive breast cancer cells. Papadakis Emmanouil; Robson Natalia; Yeomans Alison; Bailey Sarah; Laversin Stephanie; Beers Stephen; Sayan A Emre; Ashton-Key Margaret; Packham Graham; Cutress Ramsey; et al. From Oncotarget (2016), 7(14), 18851-64.
Fast and improved separation of major coumarins in Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam. by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography. Winderl, Bianca; Schwaiger, Stefan; Ganzera, Markus. Journal of Separation Science (2016), 39(20), 4042-4048.
Inclusion complexes of the aurone sulfuretin and the chalcone butein from Cotinus coggygria wood in two cyclodextrin types: first data on physico-chemical properties. Antal, Diana S.; Pinzaru, Iulia; Borcan, Florin; Marti, Teodora Daniela; Ledeti, Jonut; Coricovac, Dorina; Schwaiger, Stefan; Stuppner, Hermann; Dehelean, Cristina A.; Ollivier, Evelyne; et al. Revista de Chimie (Bucharest, Romania) (2016), 67(6), 1104-1109.
Leoligin, the Major Lignan from Edelweiss (Leontopodium nivale subsp. alpinum), Promotes Cholesterol Efflux from THP-1 Macrophages. Wang, Limei; Ladurner, Angela; Latkolik, Simone; Schwaiger, Stefan; Linder, Thomas; Hosek, Jan; Palme, Veronika; Schilcher, Nicole; Polansky, Ondrej; Heiss, Elke H.; et al. Journal of Natural Products (2016), 79(6), 1651-1657.
Discovery and resupply of pharmacologically active plant-derived natural products: A review. Atanasov, Atanas G.; Waltenberger, Birgit; Pferschy-Wenzig, Eva-Maria; Linder, Thomas; Wawrosch, Christoph; Uhrin, Pavel; Temml, Veronika; Wang, Limei; Schwaiger, Stefan; Heiss, Elke H.; et al. Biotechnology Advances (2015), 33(8), 1582-1614.
Nonprenylated xanthones from Gentiana lutea, Frasera caroliniensis, and Centaurium erythraea as novel inhibitors of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. Waltenberger, Birgit; Liu, Rongxia; Atanasov, Atanas G.; Schwaiger, Stefan; Heiss, Elke H.; Dirsch, Verena M.; Stuppner, Hermann. Molecules (2015), 20(11), 20381-20390.
Phytochemical profile of the aerial parts of Sedum sediforme and anti-inflammatory activity of myricitrin. Winekenstadde Daniel; Angelis Apostolis; Waltenberger Birgit; Schwaiger Stefan; Tchoumtchoua Job; Konig Stefanie; Werz Oliver; Aligiannis Nektarios; Skaltsounis Alexios-Leandros; Stuppner Hermann. Natural product communications (2015), 10(1), 83-8.
Prevention of False-Positive Results: Development of an HPTLC Autographic Assay for the Detection of Natural Tyrosinase Inhibitors. Taibon Judith; Schwaiger Stefan; Stuppner Hermann; Ankli Anita; Reich Eike; Magnenat Camille; Simoes-Pires Claudia; Cuendet Muriel; Boka Vasilik-Ioanna; Aligiannis Naktarios; et al. Planta medica (2015), 81(12-13), 1198-204.
Screening of Vietnamese medicinal plants for NF-κB signaling inhibitors: Assessing the activity of flavonoids from the stem bark of Oroxylum indicum. Tran, Thi Van Anh; Malainer, Clemens; Schwaiger, Stefan; Hung, Tran; Atanasov, Atanas G.; Heiss, Elke H.; Dirsch, Verena M.; Stuppner, Hermann. Journal of Ethnopharmacology (2015), 159, 36-42.
Preparation of leoligin derivatives as smooth muscle cell proliferation inhibitors. Mihovilovic, Marko; Linder, Thomas; Dirsch, Verena M.; Atanasov, Atanas; Bernhard, David; Stuppner, Herrmann; Schwaiger, Stefan. PCT Int. Appl. (2015), WO 2015196228 A1 20151230.
Pharmaceutical compositions comprising lignans and their derivatives for treating hyperplastic diseases. Stuppner, Hermann; Schwaiger, Stefan; Bernhard, David; Laufer, Guenther. U.S. (2014), US 8765804 B2 20140701.
Pharmaceutical compositions comprising lignans and their derivatives for the medical management of angiogenesis and hypovascularity. Bernhard, David; Stuppner, Hermann; Schwaiger, Stefan; Wiedemann, Dominik; Untergasser, Gerold. U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2013), US 20130053438 A1 20130228.
Natural extract of parts of Sambucus for use in the treatment of inflammatory processes, intimal hyperplasia and vein graft disease. Bernhard, David; Schwaiger, Stefan; Stuppner, Hermann. PCT Int. Appl. (2011), WO 2011144639 A1 20111124.
Use of Leontopodium plant extract in treating degenerative diseases. Prast, Helmut; Rollinger, Judith; Schwaiger, Stefan; Stuppner, Hermann. PCT Int. Appl. (2007), WO 2007006492 A1 20070118.
SCHWAIGER, S. et al.: Dihydrochalcone Glucosides from the Subaerial Parts of Thonningia sanguinea and Their in Vitro PTP1B Inhibitory Activities. ISCNP30 & ICOB10, Athens - Greece, 25-29 November 2018.
SCHWAIGER, S.: Characterization of the constituents of the snow algae Mesotaenium berggrenii. MCI-Forum Technologie & Life Sciences. Algenbiotechnologie - Potential für innovative Produkte, Innsbruck, 14.01.2015.
SCHWAIGER, S. TRAN THI, V.A.; MALAINER, C.; ATANASOV, A.G.; HEISS, E.H.; DIRSCH, V.M.; STUPPNER, H.: Screening of Vietnamese medicinal plants for NF-κB signalling inhibitors: active principals of Oroxylum indicum, Chromolaena odorata, and Eurycoma longifolia. International Symposium "Natural Products and Drug Discovery - Future Perspectives", Wien, 14.11.2014.
SCHWAIGER, S. STUPPNER, H.: Therapeutic potential of alpine plants: Leontopodium alpinum Cass., Sambucus ebulus L. and Horminum pyrenaicum L. 1st International Symposium on Medicinal, Aromatic and Nutraceutical Plants from Mountainous Areas, Saas-Fee, 06.07.2011.
SCHWAIGER, S.: Leadstructures from Nature – The therapeutically potential of the lignans from Edelweiss. biomed austria - Frühjahrstagung 2010, Innsbruck, 20.03.2010.
SCHWAIGER, S.: Determination of additional leontopodic acid derivatives from Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum Cass.) by LC-SPE-NMR. Plants from High Altitude - Phytochemistry and Bioactivity, Obergurgl, 29.04.2009.
SCHWAIGER, S.: Leoligin, the major lignan from Edelweiss, inhibits intimal hyperplasia of venous bypass grafts. 1st Life Science Meeting, Igls, 18.09.2009.
SCHWAIGER, S.: Isogentisin – A compound for the prevention of cigarette smoke induce endothelial damage. DPhG-ÖPhG-GA Jahrestagung 2007, Erlangen, 11.10.2007.
SCHWAIGER, S.: Different strategies for discriminator identification in a NMR based metabolomics matrix of the genus Leontopodium using LC-SPE-NMR, 1H-NMR-guided isolation and classical phytochemistry. International Congress and 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (GA 2006), Helsinki, 30.08.2006.
SCHWAIGER, S.: Isolation, Identification and Quantification of Phenolic Constituents of Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum Cass.). International Congress and 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research, Florenz, 21.08.2005.
Teaching activities
- General Biology and Cellbiology, VO
- Quality control of medicinal plants, UE
- Workflows in Pharmaceutical Sciences, UE
- Bachelor´s Thesis in Pharmacy, PS
- Principals of phytochemical techniques, UE