Events and News
15.04.-27.06.2025: Euregio Brussels School 2025: Redefining Europe
A common project of the Jean Monnet Chair for Political Science and EU integration at the University of Innsbruck (Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer), the Representation of the European Region “Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino” in Brussels, the University of Innsbruck, the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and the University of Trento.
15.04.2025 | Jean Monnet Chair Events
14.05.2024: Europawahl 2024. Entwicklungschancen und Sollbruchstellen des zehnten Europäischen Parlaments
Jean Monnet Lecture mit: Prof. Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering, Prof. Dr. Klaus Hänsch, Sophia Kircher, Eva Steibl-Egenbauer, Prof. Dr. Annegret Eppler, Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer, Prof. Dr. Michael Gehler
14.05.2024 -
22.04.2024: Podiumsdiskussion zu den EU-Wahlen
Podiumsdiskussion zu den EU-Wahlen mit Andreas Maurer, Katharina von Tschurtschenthaler und Michael Wolf. 22.04.2024, 18:00, Ort: Euregio-Campus Innsbruck, Erzherzog-Eugen-Straße 39
22.04.2024 -
19.03.-28.06.2024: Brussels School 2024: Leaders, Coordinators, Facilitators, and Agenda-setters
A common project of the Jean Monnet Chair for Political Science and EU integration at the University of Innsbruck (Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer), the Representation of the European Region “Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino” in Brussels, the University of Innsbruck, the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and the University of Trento.
19.03.2024 -
08.02.2024: What effects does a participatory process have on the citizens? The case of the first Euregio citizens’ council
New blog post by JMC member Nicole Zambanini
08.02.2024 -
2023-10-24: Europe’s challenges between Next Generation EU and the revival of populists
Jean Monnet Lecture with Prof. Elisabetta Gualmini (MEP and University of Bologna) on October 24, 2023, 6:30 pm CEST, online.
24.10.2023 -
2023-05-23: How China Views the European Union in 2023
Jean Monnet Lecture by Reza Hasmath, University of Alberta, China Institute; 6:30 pm; SR 5, SoWi building, University of Innsbruck.
23.05.2023 -
2023-03: Brussels School 2023: agenda-setting and cooperation in times of crises
A common project of the Jean Monnet Chair for Political Science and EU integration at the University of Innsbruck (Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer), the Representation of the European Region “Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino” in Brussels, the University of Innsbruck, the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and the University of Trento.
Archive 2018-2022
December 13, 2022: Agenda Setting in the EU: Competitive or Collaborative?
Jean Monnet Lecture by Amie Kreppel, Jean Monnet Chair (ad personam), University of Florida (USA); 7:00 pm; HS 1, SoWi building, University of Innsbruck.
December 6, 2022: The European Council and the ordinary legislative procedure: a contested relationship
Jean Monnet Lecture by Edoardo Bressanelli, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa, Italy); 7:00 pm; HS 1, SoWi building, University of Innsbruck.
November 9 to Devcember 16, 2022: Studium Generale Europäische Union: Basiswissen zu Geschichte - Institutionen - Politikbereiche
Kurs an der Volkshochschule Tirol und Volkshochschule Südtirol, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Politikwissenschaft, der Südtiroler Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft und 7 Treffen, abwechselnd in Innsbruck (A) und Brixen (I).
November 8 to 9, 2022: A Mid-term Review: The European Parliament's Committee on International Trade
Jean Monnet Chairs (Innbruck/Göttingen) and PARLATRADE Conference; Representation of Lower Saxony to the EU, Rue Montoyer 61, B-1000 Bruxelles.
July 25 to August 5, 2022: European Summer School in Canadian Studies
The European Summer School in Canadian Studies is the first of its kind in Europe and a joint venture of the Universities of Innsbruck and Vienna. It pursues two aims: (1) It addresses the multidisciplinary field of Canadian Studies and encourages an in-depth reflection on one of the European Union’s key partners, Canada. (2) It supports students and young researchers from Europe and beyond in building international networks. Application Deadline: 5 March 2022.
June 15, 2022: Aurora Virtual Lecture: Democracy and Platform Economics @UNINA
With Dr. Natascha Zeitel-Bank; June 15, 2022, 3:30-5:30 pm; Università degli Studi di Napoli.
April 28, 2022: BürgerInnen Forum Europa. Die Zukunft der parlamentarischen Demokratie in Europa
Panel discussion with Camilla Mariotto, University of Innsbruck, Othmar Karas, European Parliament, Sophia Kircher, Tiroler Landtag, Markus Frischhut, Jean Monnet Professor at the MCI; 5:30 - 7:00 pm, Aula MCI.
February 25 to 26, 2022: Der Brüssel-Effekt. Die EU als leiser Hegemon des 21. Jahrhunderts?
Conference with Dr. Doris Dialer, expert on EU health policy, at the Akademie für Politische Bildung (Scholarship - Education - Public Services).
January 25, 2022: Die Zukunft der europäischen Handelspolitik
Jean Monnet Lecture 1/2022: with Prof. Dr.phil.nat. Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl, MdEP aD; Moderation: Andreas Maurer; 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM; virtual event.
October 5, 2021, to January 25, 2022: Seminar Brussels School 2021: The European integration in academic theory and political practice
In this seminar, offered by the University of Innsbruck in cooperation with the Universities of Bolzano and Trento and the Liaison Office of the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino in Brussels, students learn about the functioning of the European Union. If possible, a voluntary excursion to Brussels should provide students with a more concrete understanding of and deeper connection to the EU. Please note the special registration procedure between 30 August and 21 September 2021! Instructor: Michael Wolf.
November 5, 2021: Transport und Mobilität in der Euregio Tirol-Südtirol-Trentino. Vom Verkehrsmanagement bis hin zum Euregio Ticket Students
Conference on the Future of Europe mit Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer, LHStvin Ingrid Felipe, Hermann Weratschnig und Ekkehard Allinger-Csollich; Euregio Infopoint-Innsbruck (hybdride Veranstaltung); Innsbruck, Wilhelm-Greil-Straße 17; 16:00 Uhr.
October 10 to November 17, 2021: Institutionelle Debatten
Virtuelle Diskussionsrunde mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer, #GemeinsamZukunftDenken, Bozen/Bolzano.
October 5, 2021, to January 25, 2022: Seminar Brussels School 2021: The European integration in academic theory and political practice
In this seminar, offered by the University of Innsbruck in cooperation with the Universities of Bolzano and Trento and the Liaison Office of the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino in Brussels, students learn about the functioning of the European Union. If possible, a voluntary excursion to Brussels should provide students with a more concrete understanding of and deeper connection to the EU. Please note the special registration procedure between 30 August and 21 September 2021! Instructor: Michael Wolf.
October 2, 2021: Lange Nacht der Demokratie
Moderator at the "Demokratie*Rad": Dr. Natascha Zeitel-Bank.
September 30, 2021: Citizens' Dialogue. What do we want, what can we do in the European Union?
Keynote: Apostolos Tzitzikostas, Chair: Andreas Maurer; HS 6 (Innrain 52), 15:30 - 16:45.
July 3, 2021: Das Europäische Parlament als Hüterin der europäischen Werteordnung
Vortrag von Prof. Andreas Maurer; Europatagung: Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Grundrechte und Solidarität in Österreich und in Europa. Festgabe zum 85. Geburtstag von Professor Heinrich Neisser, einem europäischen Humanisten.
June 24, 2021: Zukunftswerkstatt EU. Was wollen, was können wir in Europa?
Workshop/Podiumsdiskussion mit Martin Selmayr, Eva Lichtenberger und Paul Schmidt, Chair: Andreas Maurer; Donnerstag, 24.06.2021, 18:00 Uhr; Kaiser-Leopold-Saal, Universität Innsbruck, Karl-Rahner-Platz 3, Innsbruck / Livestream.
June 23, 2021: Democracy in Crisis? Corona. Freedom. Solidarity.
Panel discussion on Wednesday, June 23 2021, 6:30 pm; Kaiser-Leopold-Saal, University of Innsbruck, Karl-Rahner-Platz 3, Innsbruck.
June 15, 2021: The functioning of the different types of legislative procedures and the idea of an upper and a lower chamber
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer at the European Parliament, Brussels.
May 7, 2021: Post Brexit. The Perplexity of Multi-Levelled Governance in a Disunited Kingdom
Keynote Speech by Peter Leyland (University of London) at the Trento Innsbruck European Research Seminars (TIERS) on European Integration; May 7, 2021, 10.00 – 11.30 am.
May, 2021: Münchner Europamai 2021
Mit dabei: Dr. Natascha Zeitel-Bank (ICER/Universität Innsbruck), 5. Mai 2021, "Repressive Medienpolitik in der EU – Ungarn im Fokus".
December 4, 2020: Rollen und Funktionsprofile der Ratspräsidentschaft
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; Tagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft: Politikwissenschaft im Gespräch, Berlin.
December 2, 2020: The European Parliament's right for legislative initative
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; European Parliament, Brussels.
November 27, 2020: Regieren in der “neuen EU": Die Verschiebung des ideologischen Koordinatensystems nach Rechts durch Rechtsradikale Parteien und Fraktionen im Europäischen Parlament
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; Tagung: Die neue Europäische Union: Zwischen Integration und Desintegration, Hamburg.
August 30, 2020: The State of the Union under COVID-19
Discussion with Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; European Forum Alpbach, Virtual Event.
July 3, 2020: Are the 2020s another treaty change decade?
Discussion with Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; Expert Forum: Future Institutional Framework – Liberal White Book Europe 2030, Brussels.
May 29, 2020: Europeanization of national and sub-national parliaments
Lecture by Andreas Maurer, co-authors: Eric Miklin, Gabriele Abels; conference: Parliamentary Voices on the Future of Europe; Kraków.
May 28, 2020: Panel: The Debate on the Future of Europe: Inter-and intra-institutional perspectives
Panel Chair: Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; Parliamentary Voices on the Future of Europe, Kraków.
February 1, 2020: Congratulations!!!
Our Monnet and ICER fellow Melanie Plangger received the 2019 "Best Article Prize" of the journal "Regional and Federal Studies" for her paper "Building something beautiful with stones: How regions adapt to, shape and transform the EU opportunity structure", Regional & Federal Studies, 28:1, 1-24.
January 22, 2020: Zukunft der EU Handelspolitik
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; Junge Europäische Föderalisten, Freiburg.
January 21, 2020: Die in Brüssel und wir? Warum leisten wir uns die Europäische Union?
Lehrer*innenfortbildung mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol (PHT), Innsbruck.
November 13 to December 6, 2019: Migration and Asylum Policies Systems
Lecture series; organized by: Prof. Peter Hilpold, Prof. Andreas Maurer, Prof. Dirk Rupnow, Prof. Paolo Piva.
May 8, 2019: Visionen, Strategien und Utopien für die Zufkunft Europas
Bürger*innenforum und Podiumsdiskussion mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer.
April 4, 2019: Demokratiepolitische Dimensionen der Europawahlen
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; Reihe: Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit; Umweltbundesamt, Wien.
March 6, 2019: Die EU nach dem Brexit: Chancen und Risiken aus politikwissenschaftlicher Sicht
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; uni goes reutte; Reutte.
Februar 2, 2019: Brexit: A Testing Time for Politics
Panel Discussion with Jean Lambert & Eva Lichtenberger; Friday, 8 February 2019 / Palais Claudiana / Herzog-Friedrich-Str. 3, 2nd Floor, Old Town Innsbruck; 18.30 Uhr.
November 29, 2018: How to extract an egg from an omelette. The current state of Brexit negotiations
Discussion with Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; Tag der Politikwissenschaft 2018; University of Innsbruck.
November 22, 2018: Talking Europe - Reasoning European Integration
A Citizen's Dialogue with the Committee of the Regions; University of Innsbruck; Hosted by: Committee of the Regions & University of Innsbruck (Department for Political Science - Jean Monnet Chair for European integration studies, Le Pôle interdisciplinaire d’études françaises, Centre for Inter-American Studies, Canadian Studies Centre, Italien-Zentrum).
October 10, 2018: Klimawandel. Diskutierst Du noch oder musst Du schon handeln?
Paneldiskussion mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; Innsbruck Nature Film Festival INFF 2018, Innsbruck.
September 18, 2018: Scrutiny by parliamentarians of trade negotiations and agreements
Discussion with Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; EUROLAT Assembly (European Parliament & parliaments of Latin America, Vienna.
April 4, 2018: Panel "Politik- und rechtswissenschaftliche Überlegungen zum Konzept der makroregionalen Strategien und ihrer Realisierung im Rahmen der EUSALP"
Panel Chair: Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; Tagung: EUSALP 2018. A cross-disciplinary conference / Eine interdisziplinäre Konferenz; University of Innsbruck.
March 13, 2018: Stronger Together - Ein EU-Workshop für die Gestalterinnen und Gestalter von morgen
Schüler*innenworkshop mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer und Michael Wolf; Universität Innsbruck.
January 30, 2018: Die in Brüssel und wir? Warum leisten wir uns die Europäische Union?
Lehrer*innenfortbildung mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer; Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol (PHT), Innsbruck.
For more events see: Innsbruck Center on European Research