European Integration and European Regional Cooperation
For the Jean Monnet Chair for Political Science and EU integration please visit the website:
The research cluster of the Innsbruck Center for European Research ( brings together research and university teaching facilities on European integration and European Union studies. ICER aims to strengthen the critical and multidisciplinary analysis of the EU, examine the EU’s frameworks for polyarchic, multi-level, -channel, and –actor governance, provide a forum to stimulate the development of innovative analytical tools and teaching resources, increase the accessibility of information sources on the EU, and to stimulate the debate and research on the EU. ICER is an integral part of Innsbruck University’s Research Platform Organizations & Society (, and cooperates with the Research Area “Cultural Encounters - Cultural Conflicts” (, the Research Area Research Area Alpine Space - Man and Environment ( ), and the Research Centers “European Integration”, “Federalism – Politics and Law”.
Research carried out by ICER focuses on three core subjects:
Development of and theorizing the EU's primary law and its related socio-political bases
- Processes to render the EU more democratic, efficient and effective,
- European “soft law” or “tertiary law”, i.e. inter-institutional agreements , rules of procedure, and other informal, inter- and intra-institutional arrangements as constitutive parts for developing European primary law ,
- Interparliamentary cooperation with regard to the changing roles and functions of the European Parliament and (sub)-national parliaments ,
- Political parties and EU integration, right-wing populist, nationalist and eurosceptic parties in the EU.
- Discussions about the future development of the EU and theoretical concept building concerning conditions, drivers and brakes for EU integration and disintegration.
Decision-making processes, negotiation strategies and conceptual problems regarding the implementation of EU policies
- Balancing EMU and reforming European Economic and Social Policy
- Common Agriculture Policy and structural reforms in the alpine regions
- International Agreements and the EU’s Common Commercial Policies ( )
- European Environmental Policy
- European and Tranalpine Transport Policy (
Policy preferences of state and civil-society actors in the EU member states
- Processes of direct democracy in European Policy
- Trans-Alpine and Trans-Arctic cooperation in European Policy ( )
- EU policy making in Austria and inter-ministerial coordination ( )
For more information please visit the website of the Jean Monnet Chair for Political Science and EU integration.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer, Jean Monnet Chair and Head of ICER
Ass. Prof. Dr. Camilla Mariotto
Frida Karlsson, MA
Verena Kretzschmar, MA
Affiliated and Past Members
Ambassador Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer
Dr. Markus Warasin
Dr. Melanie Plangger
Current Projects
Projects, scholarships and other third-party funds
Research Projects
- Maurer, Andreas Peter: PARLATRADE: Trade. Framework Contract with the European Parliament: Foreign Policy Expertise on Trade.
European Parliament - Europäisches Parlament
2024-09-01 - 2029-08-31 - Maurer, Andreas Peter; Berens, Sarah Andrea: Varieties of Violence: How crime affects public policy preferences in developing countries.
Tiroler Wissenschaftsförderung (TWF), Einzelprojekt
2022-06-01 - 2026-07-31 - Maurer, Andreas Peter; Mariotto, Camilla; Wolf, Michael: AGENDA. Approaching and exploring the EU's fabric of policyinitiation.
EU - Erasmus+ (2021-2027), Jean Monnet Aktionen
2022-02-01 - 2025-01-31 (Web link) - Maurer, Andreas Peter: PARLATRADE. Framework contract with the European Parliament / INTA.
European Parliament - Europäisches Parlament
2019-09-01 - 2024-08-31
Recent Publications
Publications of the Jean Monnet Chair:
Have a look at the European Studies Series/Europawissenschaftliche Reihe (ed. by Doris Dialer, Andreas Maurer, Heinrich Neisser), published by Nomos/innsbruck university press
Monograph, Scientific
- Maurer, Andreas; Amighini, Alessia A; Garnizova, Elitsa; Hagemejer, Jan; Stoll, Peter-Tobias; Dietrich, Marcus (2023): Global value chains : potential synergies between external trade policy and internal economic initiatives to address the strategic dependencies of the EU. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (OPOCE). ISBN 978-92-848-0310-1. (DOI) (Web link)
- Maurer, Andreas; Magis, Camilla (2023): Kenya and its role in intra-Africa regional trade. The prospects of the EU-Kenya EPA. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (OPOCE). ISBN 978-92-848-0919-6. (DOI) (Web link)
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
- Mariotto, Camilla; Pellegata, Alessandro (2023): Should EU Member States Help Each Other? How the National Context Shapes Individual Preferences for European Solidarity.
In: Comparative European Politics 21, pp. 42 - 63. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)
Book Chapter (Original Paper)
- Dialer, Doris; Walli, Thomas (2024): Europäischer Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss.
In: Weidenfeld, Werner; Wessels, Wolfgang: Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2024. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag (= Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration)., ISBN 978-3-7560-1625-9, pp. 149 - 150. (DOI) - Hartwig, Ines; Maurer, Andreas (2024): Die Konditionalisierung redistributiver Politiken in der deutschen Europapolitik.
In: Jopp, Mathias; Tekin, Funda: Deutsche Europapolitik. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag., ISBN 9783756016945, 3.überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage, pp. 261 - 276. (DOI) (Web link) - Dialer, Doris; Walli, Thomas (2023): Europäischer Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss.
In: Weidenfeld, Werner; Wessels, Wolfgang: Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2023. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag., ISBN 978-3-7489-3940-5, pp. 145 - 148. (DOI) (Web link) - Maurer, Andreas (2023): Österreichische Europapolitik.
In: Senn, Martin; Eder, Franz; Kronprobst, Markus: Handbuch Außenpolitik Österreichs. Wiesbaden: Springer VS., ISBN 978-3-658-37274-3, pp. 699 - 728. (DOI) (Web link)
(Book) Reviews
Journal Article (Book Review)
- Mariotto, Camilla (2023): The Politics of Bad Options: Why the Eurozone’s Problems Have Been So Hard to Resolve. Stefanie Walter, Ari Ray, and Nils Redeker. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
In: Italian Political Science Review | Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 53/1, pp. 135 - 137. (DOI) (Web link)
Other Publications
Electronic Publication, Scientific
- Amighini, Alessia; Maurer, Andreas; Gernizova, Elitsa; Hagemejer, J.; Stoll, Peter-Tobias; Dietrich, Marcus; Roy, Riya; Skowronek, Agnieszka; Tentori, Davide (2023): Catene del valore globali: Potenziali sinergie tra la politica commerciale esterna e le iniziative
economiche interne per affrontare le dipendenze strategiche dell'UE. (Web link) - Amighini, Alessia; Maurer, Andreas; Gernizova, Elitsa; Hagemejer, J.; Stoll, Peter-Tobias; Dietrich, Marcus; Roy, Riya; Skowronek, Agnieszka; Tentori, Davide (2023): Chaînes de valeur mondiales: Synergies potentielles entre la politique commerciale extérieure et les initiatives économiques internes pour faire face aux dépendances stratégiques de l'UE. (Web link)
- Amighini, Alessia; Maurer, Andreas; Gernizova, Elitsa; Hagemejer, J.; Stoll, Peter-Tobias; Dietrich, Marcus; Roy, Riya; Skowronek, Agnieszka; Tentori, Davide (2023): Global value chains: Potential synergies between external trade policy and internal economic initiatives to address the strategic dependencies of the EU. (Web link)
- Magis, Camilla; Maurer, Andreas; Gernizova, Elitsa; Hagemejer, J.; Stoll, Peter-Tobias; Dietrich, Marcus; Roy, Riya; Skowronek, Agnieszka; Tentori, Davide (2023): Cadenas de valor mundiales: Posibles sinergias entre la política comercial exterior y las iniciativas económicas internas para abordar las dependencias estratégicas de laUE. (Web link)
- Maurer, Andreas (2023): Globale Wertschöpfungsketten: Potenzielle Synergien zwischen der Außenhandelspolitik und internen Wirtschaftsinitiativen zur Bewältigung der strategischen Abhängigkeiten der EU. (Web link)
Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
Further publications can be found here: