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25.03.-17.06.2025: Exter­nal Speaker Series

The External Speaker Series features distinguished guests of the Department of Political Science presenting their research.

Meeting Zone, Department of Political Science, University of Innsbruck, SoWi building, 2nd floor west, Universitätsstrasse 15, 6020 Innsbruck (A) How to reach us

See the dates below

11:30 to aprroximately 12:30, unless otherwise stated

Language: English

Coordinator: Fabian Habersack

We look forward to welcoming students and all other interested parties! No registration necessary. Free entry.

External Speaker Series 2025


The Appeal of Appeals: Testing the attractiveness of parties using social group, policy and substantive social group appeals through a survey experiment

Jasmien Luypaert

Ghent University

Social group appeals and policy appeals are two key strategies used by political parties to shape voter preferences. While existing research has examined the use and consequences of these appeals separately, little is known about how they interact. This study proposes a framework to study the independent and combined effects of social group and policy appeals on voter evaluations of the party. We develop a set of theoretical expectations about how these appeals influence voter perceptions, considering factors such as in-group identification, group deservingness, and the tone (positive vs. negative) of the appeal. To test these expectations, we present in this paper the design of a survey experiment that will be conducted in Flanders, where respondents will evaluate randomly assigned hypothetical party statements that vary in their inclusion of social group and/or policy appeals.



Jan Zilinsky

TUM Munich



Rechtspopulismus im Koalitionsspiel: Die Rechtsaußenparteien und ihre Rolle in Westeuropa

Lucas Neuling

 University of Rostock

Rechtspopulistische Parteien haben sich zu einem bedeutenden Phänomen in den westeuropäischen Parteiensystemen entwickelt und sich vielfach als politische Kraft etabliert. Der Zugang zur nationalstaatlichen Macht erfolgt jedoch fast ausschließlich über Regierungsbildungen in Form von Koalitionen. Daher ist es durchaus lohnenswert, die Muster rechtspopulistischer Regierungsbeteiligungen zu untersuchen, um die Entwicklung bestimmter Parteien und Regierungen nachverfolgen oder sogar vorhersagen zu können.



Marcelo Jenny

University of Innsbruck



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