Publications and Public Outreach
- Bates, Katie, and Lore Hayek. (2021). Austria: a ski resort as Europe’s virus slingshot. In Political Communication and Covid-19: Governance and Rhetoric in Times of Crisis, edited by Darren Lilleker, Ioana Coman, Milos Gregor, and Edoardo Novelli. London: Routledge.
- Dingler, S.C., Hayek, L., Schwaderer, C., Senn, M., Kraxberger, A.M. and Ragheb, N. (2024), Everyone will know someone who died of Corona: Government threat language during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Political Research.
Hayek, L. (2024). Media Framing of Government Crisis Communication During Covid-19. Media and Communication, 12, Article 7774.
- Hayek, Lore; Dingler, Sarah C.; Schwaderer, Christian; Senn, Martin; Kraxberger, Andreas M.; Ragheb, Nada; Nordone, Fiona C., 2024, "Communicating the COVID-19 Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of Crisis Communication by Governments and Heads of State (SUF edition)",
Media Appearances
- Lore Hayek: Hochwasser in Österreich: Was machen Unwetter mit der Politik?
"SRF News Plus" (2024, September 16). Hochwasser in Österreich: Was machen Unwetter mit der Politik?. SRF.
- Lore Hayek: Vertrauenskrise in Politik, Kabarett und Winterurlaub
„Tirol Live" (2021, December 20). Vertrauenskrise in Politik, Kabarett und Winterurlaub. Tiroler Tageszeitung Online.
- Lore Hayek: Politologin im TT-Gespräch: Warum Gummistiefel-Politik punktet
Starck, Gabriele (2020, March 29). Politologin im TT-Gespräch: Warum Gummistiefel-Politik punktet. Tiroler Tageszeitung Online,
- Lore Hayek: Demokratie in der Krise? Corona. Freiheit. Solidarität
Hayek, Lore; Maurer, Andreas; Oberhauser, Claus; Siegetsleitner, Anne (2021). Demokratie in der Krise? Corona. Freiheit. Solidarität. Podcast "PolitikWissen". Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Innsbruck,
- Lore Hayek: „Rülpser & Co“: Diskussion unter der Lupe
ORF Tirol (2021, February 1). „Rülpser & Co“: Diskussion unter der Lupe.,
Funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)