Information for Students

We recommend that all students read the respective curriculum carefully (see section "Curriculum"):

You have further questions concerning your studies? Below you will find all the important contact points.

1. Download and fill out the form "Application for Admission to the third and fourth repetition of a course examination", see here (under "Forms").
2. Get in touch with the examiners (please note: the examiners must be internal lecturers at the Department - not external lecturers; at least one member must have the venia docendi/habilitation)

Contact for further questions: Examination Office

1. Course instructor
2. Secretariat of the Department of Political Science

1. Complete the following application forms "Recognition of exams" AND "Supplementary Sheet" (BA | MA | PhD)
2. Submit the forms (Examination Office)
3. Subsequently, the Dean of studies at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences will sign the forms

For more information, see info page "administrative workflows": BA | MA (currently only in German)

Admission Department at the University of Innsbruck

1. Erasmus Coordinator at the Department of Political Science
2. International Relations Office (IRO) at the University of Innsbruck

Admission Department at the University of Innsbruck

Overview about the University's minors (complementary subject areas)

See info page "administrative workflows": BA | MA (currently only in German)

See info page "administrative workflows": BA | MA (currently only in German)


For further questions please refer to:

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