Bachelor’s Programme Civil Engineering

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Students on the Bachelor's degree programme in Civil Engineering deal with the construction and maintenance of building structures. The course content covers the planning, design, construction and calculation as well as the execution and dismantling of structures. These include buildings, bridges, tunnels and protective structures.

Students work on innovative solutions, technologies and strategies for a more sustainable construction industry.

Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is German.


Studying civil engineering is worthwhile because civil engineers are in demand worldwide and have a wide range of career paths open to them - from planning and construction management to research. They make a significant contribution to sustainable development by designing environmentally friendly construction methods and modern infrastructure. Their work is highly relevant to society as they help shape cities, transport routes and vital supply structures.

Students of this Bachelor's programme deal with:

  • Structural engineering (building structures, concrete and masonry construction, steel and timber construction)
  • Structural analysis and strength theory
  • Geotechnics
  • Traffic route construction
  • Constructive hydraulic engineering and urban hydraulic engineering
  • Surveying

The career fields of graduates of the Bachelor's Programme Civil and Environmental Engineering cover a wide range of subjects from feasibility studies, planning, construction design and analysis to the realization, operation, maintenance and renovation of constructions like buildings, bridges, transport infrastructure, water supply facilities and power stations.

Due to the important role attributed to the protection of the environment and the protection against natural hazards, the study programme also focuses on the civil engineering-related disciplines of environmental engineering like traffic planning, flood  and avalanche protection, protection against noise, and the treatment of waste water and solid waste. The bachelor's programme prepares graduates for occpuational opportunities as engineers and for a related master's programme.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Engineering Sciences Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




Older curricula can be found in the archive Course Catalog

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