Bachelor’s Programme Educational Sciences

Do you want to understand the theory and practice of education and educational science?

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The Bachelor's degree programme in Educational Science serves to prepare students for a career in science and to qualify them for professional activities that require the application of educational science knowledge and methods.

The educational goal is to acquire theory- and method-based as well as practice-oriented problem-solving and action competences.

Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is German.


Study Code
UC 033 645

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Graduates are able to elaborate, assess and apply scientific developments in the fields of education, upbringing and counselling as well as to use them interdisciplinary. They have theory- and method-based problem-solving competences and key competences relevant to their profession. 

The Bachelor’s Programme in Educational Sciences serves to provide scientific education, professional preparation and qualification for professional activities that require an understanding and application of educational theories. It combines research and teaching and enables students to argue in theory and practice.

The Bachelor’s Programme in Educational Sciences aims at giving the students a broad, scientifically sound, theory- und research-based qualification. This should enable the graduates to respond appropriately to issues in educational sciences and to the changes in educational fields of action and also to help shape them.

Graduates are able to describe, analyse, and evaluate social and cultural conditions and changes in education and educational fields with the help of educational theories, models, and methods.

In addition to specialist knowledge, theoretical and methodological competences, they also have practice-oriented conceptualisation and reflection skills in the individual research areas of educational sciences.

Finally, by teaching them key competences (especially with regard to conflict and communication competence, contact, team skills and ability to respond positively to criticism, as well as gender and diversity competence), they are prepared for a working world that is characterised by requirements for self-management, the ability to cooperate and personal initiative.

The Bachelor’s Programme in Educational Sciences prepares students in particular for qualified executive, planning, analysing and advisory, science-based and science-oriented activities in the fields of education, upbringing and counselling.

This enables employment in educational fields of activity, in educational and research institutions as well as in science and cultural mediation. Possible workplaces include educational and training institutions in the social and health care sectors, in the leisure and cultural sectors, in educational policy and administration, in the media and in business, as well as activities in university and non-university cultural and social science research institutions.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

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