Bachelor's Programme History

Would you like to broaden your understanding of the past and present and work on historical issues?

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The students of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in History acquire basic knowledge of historical periods, key dates and connections and their diverse historical expressions.

In this programme students learn to understand different cultures of the past and present and to approach contemporary issues in an impartial, objective and analytical way by considering different research perpectives (e.g. political, social, economic).

Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is German.


Study code
UC 033 603

Supplemental Examination
Supplemental examination in Latin is required before completion of the bachelor's degree programme if this subject was not completed satisfactorily with at least 10 credit hours at a higher-level secondary school.

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Graduates are able to elaborate, evaluate and implement scientific issues in the fields of the humanities and to apply them in interdisciplinary contexts. They possess scientifically well-founded theoretical and methodical problem-solving skills and multidisciplinary competences such as presentation skills, information and self-management.

The Bachelor’s Programme History offers basic education in human sciences and prepares for a master’s programme in the humanities. It conveys basic knowledge of historical categories, key data and connections in temporal and spatial diversity, which is to be presented from different research perspectives (e.g. cultural, political, social, economic) promoting the understanding of different cultures in the past and present and allowing a possibly unprejudiced, factual-analytical access to current problems of the present time. 

Students learn to question assured knowledge and receive instructions how to recognize the historicity of gender constructions, ideologies and religious concepts. Aparf from these expert skills, the study programme also imparts general skills such as independent research of information and knowledge, identifying and analysing complex connections and their verbal and oral presentation as well as working in a team. The examination with foreign teaching and learning environments is to be facilitated with a semester abroad.

The Bachelor’s Programme History offers comprehensive basic education in the humanities and prepares for occupational activities in public service, the cultural and social field, media, economy, politics and political counseling. Additonal personal qualifications according to individual inclinations (e.g. languages) complement the study programme.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Philosophy and History Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

Wo Kalte Krie­ger mit­ein­an­der rede­ten

Die Konferenz für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (KSZE) war ein Kommunikationsforum im Kalten Krieg. Ein internationales Forschungsteam um Andrea Brait, Nina Hechenblaikner und Roland Laimer vom Institut für Zeitgeschichte untersucht den KSZE-Prozess und seine Bedeutung in der zweiten Hälfte der 1980er-Jahre jetzt genauer.

Auss­tel­lung zum Berg­bau in der Eure­gio

Die histo­rische Aus­stellung zur Ent­wickl­ung der Europa­region Tirol-Süd­tirol-Tren­tino im Eu­regio-Info­point in Inns­bruck wurde nun um das Kapitel Berg­bau erweitert. Die inter­aktive und mehr­sprachige Aus­stellung thema­tisiert Abbau und Verar­beitung von Salz und Erzen im Wan­del der Zeit und wurde vom For­schungs­zent­rum „Regional­geschichte Europa­region Tirol“ der Uni­ver­sität Inns­bruck erar­beitet.

Best-Paper-Awards von his­to­ria.scri­bere 15 ver­lie­hen

Am 13. Juni 2023 durfte ein kleines Jubiläum gefeiert werden: Es erschien die bereits 15. Ausgabe des eJournals historia.scribere. Zwölf Arbeiten von Studierenden der Universität Innsbruck konnten so über dieses Medium der drei historischen Institute (Alte Geschichte und Altorientalistik, Geschichtswissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie, Zeitgeschichte) publiziert und der Fachwelt sowie der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden.

Neue Podcast-Serie „History Exchange“

Seit 26. Oktober ist mit einem neuen Podcast ein österreichisch-amerikanischer Querschnitt durch die zeithistorische Fachwelt vom Institut für Zeitgeschichte der Universität Innsbruck und dem Department of History, University of New Orleans, USA online.

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