Bachelor's Programme Political Science

Want to understand how political institutions and power incentives influence the world around us?

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The Bachelor's programme in Political Science provides an understanding of how political institutions and power incentives influence the world around us. It makes clear what influences state action and the extent to which ideologies affect all levels of politics as well as human life.


Study code
UC 033 624

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Graduates have demonstrated knowledge of their understanding of political science and related fields. They are able to use this knowledge to develop scientifically sound solutions to practical problems, to assess and implement such solutions, and to apply their qualifications in a wide variety of occupational fields. They possess social competences, teamwork abilities, presentation and moderations skills, etc.

The Bachelor's Programme Political Science, grouped among the social and economic sciences, offers vocational preparation for the social sciences, conferring the degree of Bachelor of Arts upon completion. The goal of the bachelor's programme is to provide graduates problem-solving skills based on scientific theories and methods.

In the Bachelor’s Programme in Political Science students get up-to-date and practical knowledge about political systems, institutions, actors and processes at national, regional,  European and global level. These students deal particularly with the major challenges of our time, such as the erosion of social and political orders, the transformation of political and social participation or the effects of digital change on our world. In addition to technical skills and professional practice, the study programme also promotes universal social skills such as communication and presentation techniques, personal development, teamwork and the strengthening of rhetorical and written expression in all modules.

The Bachelor’s Programme in Political Science covers 180 ECTS-Credits, corresponding to a duration of the study programme of six semesters. During this period, the compulsory and elective modules which consist of lectures (VO), introductory seminars (PS) and lectures with practical parts (VU) must be passed. In addition to a study induction and orientation stage, during which students get an insight into the subject and get to know fundamental aspects of scientific work as well as a basic methodological education, the students get a broad insight into the subject of political science during the introductory as well as the advanced modules.

The focus lies in particular on subjects such as European integration, comparison of political systems, international relations, political theory and history of ideas, gender research, the Austrian political system, political communication and electoral research and applied methods in political science. The Bachelor’s programme also offers the opportunity to pass a practical training to prepare for professional life. In addition to passing the modules, the students have to write a Bachelor’s Thesis within the scope of a seminar from one of the advanced modules. The workload of such a thesis corresponds to 7.5 ECTS-Credits.

Graduates of the Bachelor's Programme Political Science find positions in public administration; in political institutions and organizations; in public relations; in the media; in national, international and non-governmental organizations; and in university and non-university research capacities.

Have a look at some of our former students and their careers.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

„Winter School on Federa­lism and Governance“ in 15. Runde

29 postgradual Studierende und Nachwuchsforschende aus Afrika, Amerika, Asien und Europa nehmen derzeit an der 14. Winter School on Federalism and Governance teil, die sich – ganz im Einklang mit dem Querschnittsthema „Nachhaltigkeit“ an der Universität Innsbruck - dieses Jahr dem Thema „Federalism and Sustainability“ widmet und unter der Schirmherrschaft des Europarats steht.

FWF för­dert 6 Pro­jekte

Bei der FWF-Kuratoriumssitzung im März wurden vier Einzelprojekte und zwei Esprit-Projekte von Wissenschaftler:innen der Universität Innsbruck bewilligt.

„Winter School on Federa­lism and Governance“ fin­det zum 14. Mal statt

Zum bereits 14. Mal wird derzeit die „Winter School on Federalism and Governance“ von der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät und der Fakultät für Soziale und Politische Wissenschaften gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Vergleichende Föderalismusforschung der EURAC Bozen unter der Schirmherrschaft des Europarats durchgeführt.

Die Gedenk­stätte Maut­hau­sen – Bericht einer Exkur­sion

Studierende aller Fakultäten hatten am 13. Jänner 2023 die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam mit Susanne Reitmair-Juárez und Thomas Walli (beide Institut für Politikwissenschaft) die Gedenkstätte des ehemaligen Konzentrationslagers Mauthausen zu besichtigen. Eine Exkursion zu Fragen der Rolle des Konzentrationslagers in seiner unmittelbaren Umgebung, der Unterscheidung zwischen Tätern und Opfern und der Rolle von Gedenkstätten in der heutigen Zeit.

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