Bachelor’s Programme Spanish

Would you like to enter a new culture and broaden your horizons with basic cultural techniques and extensive cultural knowledge?

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Spanish is a global language and the world’s fourth-most spoken language. It is a major international language of communication in many fields, such as international cooperation, diplomacy and trade and export. The focus in this programme is the Spanish language: active and passive language proficiency as well as linguistic knowledge of Spanish.

Students also study Spanish culture, they gain knowledge about Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America and their culture and acquire intercultural competencies. The programme introduces the students to Spanish literature – one of the major global literatures. 

Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is German.


Study Code
UC 033 649

Supplemental examination
Supplemental examination in Latin is required before completion of the bachelor's degree programme if this subject was not completed satisfactorily with at least 10 credit hours at a higher-level secondary school.

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Graduates are able to elaborate, evaluate and implement scientific developments in linguistic, literary and cultural-science fields and to apply them in interdisciplinary contexts. They possess scientifically well-founded theoretical and methodical problem-solving skills, interdisciplinary competences and soft skills.

Apart from the transfer of in-depth knowledge, the Bachelor's Programme Spanish focuses on the following key qualifications:

  1. communicative competences (written and oral expression
  2. mental flexibility and critical faculty (logical thinking and argumentation, fast comprehension of complex contexts, development of creative solution strategies)
  3. intercultural and cross-cultural comptence (dealing with different traditions of thought)  

Subject-specific competences:

  • Language proficiency
    Command of the foreign language at level C1 based on CEFR, skills in text reception and text production, improvement of language skills by stays abroad (e.g. ERASMUS).
  • Linguistics
    Awareness for the structures of Spanish as well as its functions and effects in different regional, social, situative and historical contexts.
  • Literary studies
    Critical discussion of texts of different origins (also film, chanson); awareness for the interrelations between culture and text; special attention to literatures/cultures outside the Romance core countries (e.g. Latin America).
  • Land and culture
    Awareness for political, social and economic aspects of Romance-language countries in their relevant historical context.

Based on the transfer of these competences and skills, graduates are prepared for a wide range of activities and careers in different fields: international relations, culture, media, public relations, translation, tourism, publishing, administration, advertising, economy, science.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture Department of Romance Studies​​​​​​​ Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

EUni­ve­rCiné in Nan­tes

Start­schuss für das zwei­jährige Eras­mus+-Proj­ekt EUniverC­iné, das von der Italia­nistik der Uni­ver­sität Nantes initiiert wurde und an dem neben der Inns­brucker Roma­nistik (Evelyn Ferrari und Sabine Schrader) und der Translations­wissen­schaft (Marco Agnetta) Film­wissen­schaftler­Innen und Italia­nist­Innen der Uni­ver­sitä­ten Perugia Stranieri, Banja Luka, Genua und Roma La Sapien­za be­tei­ligt sind.

Erin­nern und Über­setzen

Am 10. und 11. Oktober 2019 fand in der Claudiana die internationale Tagung Translating Cultural Memory in Fiction and Testimony – Memory Studies and Translation Studies in Dialogue statt, die von Claudia Jünke (Institut für Romanistik) und Désirée Schyns (Universität Gent) organisiert wurde.

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