Diploma Programme Law - Integrated Programme

Curriculum (2001W)

Joint Study Programme of the University of Innsbruck, the University of Padova and the University of Trient  

Autonome Provinz Südtirol

Funded by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-South Tyrol


Magistra/Magister der Rechtswissenschaften (Mag.iur)

Duration/ ECTS-Credits
10 semesters / 300 ECTS-Credits

Mode of Study


Admission Requirements
Secondary school completion certificate or equivalent and Language Certificates

Faculty of Law

0421 Law

Study Code
UC 102

Supplemental Examination
Supplemental examination in Latin is required before the first diploma examination has been completed if this subject was not completed satisfactorily with at least 10 hours at a higher-level secondary school.

* Information on the Curriculum (2001W)

The complete version of the curriculum reflects the currently valid version of the curriculum. It is for informational purposes only and is not legally binding. The legally binding version of the curriculum, including any amendments, may be found in the University of Innsbruck Bulletins.

In order to determine which version of the curriculum is applicable in your case, see the Catalogue of Studies,
 available at: https://lfuonline.uibk.ac.at/public/lfuonline_meinestudien.studienblatt
Section: Current Curriculum version.

Studies Induction and Orientation Stage (STEOP)

(1) Within the scope of the Studies Induction and Orientation Stage, which takes place in the first semester, the following examinations must be passed:

  1. Introduction to Law (§3 no. 1) VO 4, 6 ECTS-Credits,
  2. Legal Research Skills (§ 3 no. 2) VO 2, 3 ECTS-Credits.

(2) Successful passing of all examinations of the Studies Induction and Orientation Stage entitles to passing all further courses and examinations.

(3) Before all courses of the Studies Induction and Orientation Stage have been passed, courses corresponding to a maximum of 21 ECTS-Credits may be passed.The prerequisites specified in the curriculum must be met.

Subjects / Modules

The Integrated Diploma Programme in Law consists of two parts, each of which is completed with a diploma examination.

First Diploma Examination (two semesters)

This part conveys the fundamentals of law, the competent use of internet databases and economic knowledge that is important for legal professions. Joint courses held in German with students of Austrian law are included in this part.

  • Introduction to Law

  • Roman Private Law

  • History of Law
  • Italian Constitutional Law Including Constitutional Theory und General Theory of the State
  • Economics

Second Diploma Examination (six semesters)

Teaching focuses on the material that is essential for legal activities. Bilingual training is supported by professors from the partner university in Padova.

  • Italian Private Law Including Italian Private International Law
  • Italian Civil Procedure
  • Italian Commercial Law, Italian Law of Negotiable Instruments and Principles of Italian Intellectual Property Law
  • Italian Criminal Law, Italian Criminal Procedure and Principles of the Italian Penal System and Criminology
  • Italian Administrative Law, Administrative Procedure and Selected Fields of Italian Administration; Theory of Administration
  • Italian Labour Law and Principles of Italian Social Law
  • European Law
  • Public International Law and Principles of the Law of International Organisations
  • Philosphy of Law
  • elective courses

Examination Dates (in German only)

Information about examination regulations, assessment and grading

Examination regulations

The examination regulation is an integral part of the curriculum, detailed information can be found under the paragraph examination regulations.

The grade distribution table is a statistical representation of the distribution of all successfully completed examinations in a given programme of study or subject (based on all registered students for the programme or subject). The grade distribution table is updated in regular intervals.

Austrian grading  scheme Definition  %-age
 1 EXCELLENT:  Outstanding performance 21= 100%
 2  GOOD:  Generally good, but with some errors 29.7
 3 SATISFACTORY:  Generally sound work with a number of substantial errors 28.3
 4 SUFFICIENT:  Performance meets the minimum criteria 21
 5 INSUFFICIENT:  Substantial improvement necessary; requirement of further work

December 2021

Overall classification of the qualification

Not applicable
Explanation: An overall classification (mit Auszeichnung bestanden/pass with distinction, bestanden/pass, nicht bestanden/fail) – is awarded only for examinations that conclude a programme of study and consist of more than one subject (an examination of this type is not specified in the curriculum of this programme of study).

Forms (in German only)

Recognitions (in German only)

Generally, student mobility is welcomed. However, the following points must be noted (compare: § 78 UG 2002):

Recognition can only be granted if the ECTS credits allocated for the respective exam at the host university correspond roughly to those at the home university.

If the number of ECTS credits assigned to an exam in the Diploma Program in Italian Law falls significantly short, an additional exam must be proposed or demonstrated.

Recognition also only occurs if the exam was taken at the host university within a comparable program of study.

Therefore, it is requested that all requests for recognition of exams include a current internet printout, showing not only the ECTS credits but also the description and study assignment of the courses that form the basis of the exams for which recognition is sought.

The written diploma exams provided for in the Innsbruck study plan in the main subjects cannot be replaced by an oral exam at the host university, even if they match in terms of ECTS credits. However, such an exam will be credited as part of the oral examination.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Esther Happacher (August 2018)

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