Master’s Programme Business Law

Would you like to gain a deeper understanding of the legal system, think more entrepreneurially and be able to make better business judgements?

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The Law frames and the economy stimulates our society. The students of the Master’s Degree Programme in Business Law acquire in-depth legal knowledge as well as specific knowledge about business law and economics. The programme provides students with in-depth academic preparation for the practice of law in business and related sectors.  

Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is German.


Study Code
UC 066 900

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Graduates of the Master's Programme Business Law have an extended legal knowledge of content and methodology as well as specific knowledge of business law and economics.

They are able to independently deal with challenging problems in law and business using legal solution methods. Their high level of problem-solving competence acquired on the basis of this university education prepares them to work in a scientifically sound manner in all professional fields relevant to business law, both on a national and international level.

Building on a corresponding bachelor's programme, the Master's Programme Business Law serves to provide in-depth training in specific business law issues as well as to expand the knowledge of business sciences required for this. In addition, this degree programme offers specialisations in these areas according to the student's choice.

The Master's Programme Business Law qualifies students for top positions in the private sector or in the public sector, for jobs in public accounting, but also for traditional legal jobs in the law firm, in the notary's office or in court.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

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Busi­ness Law (Master)

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