Master’s Programme Chemical Engineering

Would you like to understand technologically relevant chemical concepts in an application-orientated way?

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The Master’s Degree Programme in Chemical Engineering is the basis for working as a chemical engineer in research, industry, technological and environmental positions as well as other related fields in the public sphere. This program is a pre-requisite for enrolment into the PhD Programme in Chemistry or Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is German.


Study Code
UC 066 654

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Graduates have a highly-specialised knowledge in the field of chemical process engineering. They are able to demonstrate their competences in chemical engineering as well as at the interfaces to related sciences through scientific correct analysis, argumentation and innovative problem-solving.

The Master’s Programme Chemical Engineering is grouped among the natural science studies.

The Master’s Programme Chemical Engineering is aimed at vocational training in chemical engineering. The programme imparts the subject-specific competences and methods for scientific research as well as for responsible action as a chemical engineer. The master’s programme is the basis for starting a career as chemical engineer in research, technology, industry, as well as in environment and chemical engineering-relevant fields in authorities.

The Master’s Programme Chemical Engineering is the basis for a subject-related doctoral programme.

The Master’s Programme Chemical Engineering has been designed with a focus on current procedural research fields in close connection of theoretical training and experimental/practical competences. Graduates of the Master’s Programme Chemical Engineering have a comprehensive thematical education and at the same time a specialised or advanced knowledge in fields of their interest. Besides of acquiring advanced up-to-date knowledge in chemical engineering, the master’s programme also imparts interdisciplinary key competences and a sense of responsibility with regards to the benefits and risk of natural science research and applications.

The graduates of the study programme are able to carry out scientific research in chemical engineering independently and in a leading role, and to use these acquired competences in an interdisciplinary way to solve issues in process engineering.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

Neuer ADLER Stiftungs­pro­fessor berufen

Oliver Strube ist seit Jänner Inhaber der von der ADLER-Werk Lackfabrik gestifteten Professur für Chemieingenieurwesen und Materialprozesstechnik. Lehre und Forschung werden mit ihm um ein zukunftsweisendes Themenfeld im Grenzbereich von Technischer Chemie, Beschichtungstechnologie und Materialwissenschaften erweitert. Strube wurde am 3. März offiziell begrüßt.

Spiel mit den che­mischen Ele­men­ten

Antivitamine B12 haben nach außen hin die praktisch gleiche Struktur wie Vitamin B12, nach innen funktionieren sie aber ganz anders. Einem Team um Bernhard Kräutler vom Institut für Organische Chemie ist es nun gelungen, das Kobalt-Ion im Zentrum des Vitamins durch ein Zink-Ion zu ersetzen und damit ein Antivitamin B12 zu erzeugen.

Zen­trale Stu­dien­be­ra­tung

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