Master’s Programme Chemistry

Would you like to gain a comprehensive understanding of chemical reactivity and develop and optimise new materials, compounds and processes?

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Graduates of the Master’s Degree Program in Chemistry qualify for working in managing positions as a chemist in research, technology, industry and relevant fields in public institutions. 

This programme is a pre-requisite to enrol in the PhD Programme in Chemistry.


Graduates possess highly specialized knowledge in the field of chemistry. They are able to apply their knowledge at the intersections of related natural sciences by independently formulating and substantiating scientific arguments to find innovative solutions to problems.

  • The Master's Programme Chemistry is grouped among the natural sciences.
  • The goal of the Master's Programme Chemistry is to provide vocational training for chemists. The programme conveys knowledge and methods of scientific research in chemistry and professional responsibility for the profession of a chemist
  • The Master's Programme Chemistry is the basis for the Doctoral Programme Chemistry or related programmes.
  • The Master's Programme Chemistry is designed to focus on current research fields by closely linking theoretical knowledge and experimental/practical skills. The master's programme offers a thematically comprehensive education in chemistry while, through the choice of appropriate content, allowing far-reaching specialization in line with students' abilities and interests. In addition to the acquisition of advanced knowledge in the sub-disciplines of chemistry reflecting the current state of knowledge, the master's programme also fosters interdisciplinary key competencies (soft skills) while imparting a sense of responsibility concerning the benefits and risks of scientific research and applications.

The master's programme is the basis for students to pursue career activities in research, technology, industry, environment and chemistry-related areas of public authorities.

Graduates of the master's programme are capable of conducting research in the branches of chemistry independently and in leading roles. They can apply their skills in interdisciplinary contexts to find solutions to chemistry-related issues.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

SFB-Tagung in Inns­bruck

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Anti­vit­amin blo­ckiert Licht­schutz von Bak­te­rien

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