Master’s Programme Digital Society, Social Innovation and Global Citizenship
Would you like your studies to focus on topics that will enable you to tackle important social and technological challenges?
Application possible soon
The European Joint Master's Programme in Digital Society, Social Innovation, and Global Citizenship provides students with expertise in digital transformation, AI, data science, and social innovation. Offered by the University of Innsbruck, Austria (UIBK), the University of Naples Federico II, Italy (UNINA), and Palacký University Olomouc, Czechia (UPOL), the program combines interdisciplinary research, ethical and policy perspectives, and applied digital design. It includes hybrid learning, joint summer schools, and international mobility. Graduates are prepared for leadership roles in digital governance, consulting, and innovation.
Study Code
UC xxx

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101123121 (EURIDICE). This output reflects the consortium’s view and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Graduates have specialized knowledge in digital transformation, AI, data science, and social innovation. They can critically analyze complex societal and technological challenges, apply interdisciplinary methods to develop innovative digital solutions, and evaluate their ethical and policy implications. They are equipped to communicate insights effectively to stakeholders in academia, policy-making, and industry, shaping the future of digital governance, innovation, and global citizenship.
The study programme provides a combination of technological expertise, sustainable social innovation and transversal skills. Graduates are able to use digital technologies specifically for sustainable social innovation and to tackle global challenges in an increasingly networked world. Topics such as digital society, social innovation and global citizenship take centre stage.
In addition to specialised knowledge, students acquire transversal skills that are essential for the complex requirements of the digital age. These include critical and ethical thinking, strategic and problem-solving work and the ability to analyse complex interrelationships and develop innovative solutions. Intercultural competences, global learning, teamwork and leadership skills prepare graduates to operate successfully in diverse and international contexts. A special focus is placed on integrative learning and the ability to combine knowledge from different disciplines in order to develop innovative and sustainable solutions.
Graduates can work in various professional fields, such as:
- counselling
- project management,
- product management for digital innovation, digital transformation or digital services,
- as well as in research, development & innovation,
- innovation management or innovation engineering.
Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation
Faculty of Economics and Statistics Examination Office Information for students with disabilities
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