Master’s Programme Educational Sciences

Would you like to deepen and specialise in education and educational science?

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The goal of the Master’s Degree Programme in Educational Sciences is to deepen the students’ knowledge in the field of education sciences. 

Each student may choose to focus theoretically, methodologically and practically on a specific topic within education sciences, for example general education science, gender studies, psychoanalysis, migration studies, etc.

Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is German.


Study Code
UC 066 848

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The Master’s programme is designed to enable the systematic acquisition of key competences. The acquired key competences enable the graduates to actively and creatively use their specific competences and to adapt to fast changing general conditions.

The Master’s programme is concluded with an advanced and specialised academic degree. It imparts the current state of research in educational sciences with a focus on social reality and social heterogeneity. Graduates are able to understand and explain the interrelations of age, class, disability, gender, race and sexual orientation as different dimensions of social inequality and to apply their knowledge in different professional contexts. Based on their acquired knowledge (factual knowledge, analytic-theoretical and methodological and critical-reflective knowledge), they are able to argument and judge and to work on specific problems of their respective professional field scientifically based and oriented towards practice or research.

Graduates are able to apply their acquired knowledge and key competences in new or familiar environments within multi-disciplinary professional contexts. They are able to produce knowledge, develop original and conceptional ideas and to constructively contribute to interdisciplinary discourses. They have learnt to integrate their knowledge and to deal with complexity. They can formulate assessments in consideration of ethical and societal responsibility, even if information is incomplete and to communicate exact and differentiated with interested laypersons as well as experts.

The Master’s Programme Educational Sciences prepares

  • for subject-specific professional work in institutions as well as for a continuing doctoral programme or research-related work and/or
  • for leading, planning, analysing and advising work in job fields related to education and learning and/or
  • for responsible work in local and international state or non-government organisations.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation.

Faculty of Education Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

Ler­nen, mit der Natur zu leben

Seit 1970 ist der Bestand an Wirbeltieren auf der Erde laut Living Planet Report um 69 Prozent zurückgegangen. Gründe dafür sind der Verlust von Lebensräumen, die Umweltverschmutzung und der Klimawandel. Der negative Einfluss des Menschen auf die Natur ist immens, gleichzeitig zerstört er damit seine eigenen Lebensgrundlagen. Wie können wir lernen, ethischer und nachhaltiger mit der Natur zu leben? Mit dieser Frage hat sich das Projekt „Überleben im Anthropozän“ auseinandergesetzt.

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Zen­trale Stu­dien­be­ra­tung

Wir sind die erste Anlaufstelle bei allen Fragen rund ums Studium für Schüler*innen, Studieninteressierte und Studierende sowie Eltern und Lehrer*innen.


In den unterschiedlichen Onlinesessions wird das vielfältige Studienangebot der Universität Innsbruck kurzweilig vorgestellt. Die Onlinesessions sind eine gute Plattform, um schnell und unkompliziert die richtigen Antworten auf individuelle Fragen zu bekommen.

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