Master’s Programme Environmental Engineering

Would you like to specialise in the fields of "Energy-efficient buildings", "Geotechnics, surveying and hydraulic engineering" and "Environmental engineering and transport"?

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The students of the Master’s Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering deepen their knowledge in the fields of environmental technologies, transportation systems, geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering, surveying and energy efficient buildings.

Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is German.


Study Code
UC 066 509

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As a result, graduates of the Master’s Programme in Environmental Engineering at the University of Innsbruck possess the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to develop solutions for technical tasks in environmental engineering, traffic systems, geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering, surveying and energy-efficient building.

They are able to correctly apply their highly specialized knowledge, drawing on the latest findings from various areas of environmental engineering, to develop and implement innovative solutions and to engage in discourse with colleagues. Graduates possess the competence and critical awareness to independently realize socially and environmentally sustainable projects.

Environmental engineering encompasses a wide range of areas, such as residential water management, resource management, waste and disposal technology, spatial and environmental planning, traffic planning, traffic technology and traffic route engineering, geoinformatics and remote sensing, technical equipment in buildings, hydrology and hydraulic engineering, energy and ecoinformatics, environmental and process engineering. The Master’s Programme in Environmental Engineering at the University of Innsbruck focuses on those areas of these disciplines that are strongly connected to civil engineering.

Graduates of this environmental engineering programme are capable of working in planning, building and operations contexts for companies of various sizes and in capacities involving planning, projection, analysis, advising and implementation. They can pursue self-employed professions but also professional activities at construction companies, public agencies and organizations, interest groups, media and at teaching and research institutions.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Engineering Sciences Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

Nachhaltige Abfallwirtschaft

Dr. Sabine Robra vom Institut für Infrastruktur forscht im Fachgebiet Abfallbehandlung und Ressourcenmanagement an zahlreichen Aspekten der nachhaltigen Verwertung von Müll in verschiedensten Bereichen. Im Gespräch mit Sebastian Possert von Life Radio Tirol erzählt sie mehr über ihre Arbeit.

Aus Alt mach Neu

Im Projekt CIRCE 2020 arbeiten acht Partner aus fünf europäischen Ländern an Konzepten der Kreislaufwirtschaft für das produzierende Gewerbe. In der Pilotregion Tirol unterstützt der Arbeitsbereich Umwelttechnik der Universität Innsbruck das Projekt.

Nach­haltiger Rück­bau for­ciert

Nach dem Auszug von rund 320 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern wird das neunstöckige RLB-Gebäude in der Innsbrucker Adamgasse nun zu einer Musterbaustelle für nachhaltigen und verwertungsorientierten Rückbau. Wissenschaftlich begleitet wird dieses Social-Urban-Mining-Projekt vom Arbeitsbereich Umwelttechnik der Uni Innsbruck.

Kreis­lauf­wirt­schaft im Fokus

Im Projekt CIRCE 2020 arbeiten acht europäische Partner aus fünf Ländern zusammen, um das Kreislaufwirtschaftskonzept besser auf das produzierende Gewerbe anzupassen und in ausgewählten Pilotregionen zu verankern. Unterstützt wird das Projekt durch den Arbeitsbereich Umwelttechnik der Uni Innsbruck. Erste Ergebnisse wurden nun bei einem Treffen im polnischen Posen präsentiert.

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