Master's Programme European Policy and Society

Curriculum (2008W)

As of winter semester 2015/2016 this programme is no longer open to new entrants. For information on the succeeding master’s programme please consult this page »

Master of Science (MSc)

4 semesters/120 ECTS-Credits

Mode of Study

Relevant bachelor's degree or equivalent

School of Social and Political Sciences

Level of qualification
Master (Second Cycle)

Study code
C 066 824

* Information on the Curriculum (2008W)


Relevant bachelor's degrees at the University of Innsbruck:

Criteria for the determination of equalence:

Admission to the master's degree programme may also be possible if a student has completed a bachelor's degree in a relevant related field. As part of the determination of equivalence, the following core areas of the completed bachelor's degree programme will be assessed:

  • 10 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Applied Methods of Social Sciences
  • 4 ECTS-Credits Core Area: European Integration
  • 5 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Comparative Politics
  • 5 ECTS-Credits Core Area: International Politics
  • 5 ECTS-Credits Core Area: Political Theories

In the event that equivalence has been established in principle but with certain qualifications missing for full equivalence, supplemental examinations may be required. These examinations must be completed during the master degree programme.

Recommended Course Sequence

The exemplary course sequence given below is recommended for full-time students beginning their study programme in the winter semester. The table shows one possible course sequence for the bachelor's programme and is not compulsory. Delays resulting from repeated examinations are not taken into account.

The standard duration of the study programme is 4 semesters or 120 ECTS-Credits, whereby according to the Universities Act of 2002, a workload of 1,500 (real) hours per academic year must be fulfilled, corresponding to 60 ECTS-Credits (one ECTS-Credit is equivalent to a workload of 25 hours).

  7.5 ECTS-Credits: Theories of European Integration
  7.5 ECTS-Credits: Political System of the European Union
  7.5 ECTS-Credits: Policy Fields and Structural Change in the EU
  7.5 ECTS-Credits: European Law

  7.5 ECTS-Credits: Governments and Parliaments in Europe
  7.5 ECTS-Credits: Parties and Lobbies in Europe
  7.5 ECTS-Credits: EU External Relations and Security Policy
  7.5 ECTS-Credits: Methods of Comparative Policy and Social Analysis

  7.5 ECTS-Credits: Political Communication and Public Opinion in Europe
  7.5 ECTS-Credits: Electoral Analysis and Electoral Behaviour in Europe
  7.5 ECTS-Credits: European States and the International System
  7.5 ECTS-Credits: Civil Society, Gender Relations and Minorities

  2.5 ECTS-Credits: Master’s Thesis Colloquium
25.0 ECTS-Credits: Master’s Thesis
  2.5 ECTS-Credits: Master’s Thesis Defence


Qualification Profile and Skills

The core of the Master's Programme European Politics and Society is the socio-scientific examination of political institutions and processes at the level of the European Union and nations of the European continent, including the analysis of social, demographic, cultural and gender-specific developments in European societies. The programme also promotes other social competences, such as negotiation and presentation techniques, personal development, teamwork, strong spoken and written skills, and leadership abilities.

The master's programme is designed to offer vocational training and is intended for committed Austrian and international students interested in pursuing an academic career in socio-scientific European studies or in acquiring training for professional activities in European institutions, organizations and commercial areas.

The master's programme is based on the experience of the Social Sciences Competence Center of the University of Innsbruck and on the knowledge of various high-level European policy makers.

The acquired competences enable graduates to analyse scientific issues independently and to assess scientific knowledge and apply it in new research contexts.

Expected Learning Outcomes

Graduates possess advanced skills in analysis and problem-solving based on sound scientific theories and methods. They are able to treat scientific problems independently and to assess, communicate and apply solutions in new research-oriented contexts. They are equipped for activities in scientific facilities and institutions (including pursuing further academic studies in a doctoral programme) and for activities requiring leadership, analysis, planning, assessing and consulting in public administration and in transnational non-governmental and governmental organizations (especially those of the European Union).

Future Prospects: Occupational Profiles and Career Opportunities

The master's programme prepares graduates for a doctoral programme, for activities in scientific institutions, or for positions requiring leadership, planning, analysis and consultation in public administration, transnational non-governmental and governmental organizations of the European Union, and transnational party and trade union federations.

Postgraduate and further Studies at the University of Innsbruck

Information about the Programme (in German only)

Recognitions (in German only)

Forms (in German only)

Contact and Information

Examination Office
Standort Universitätsstraße 15

Piktogramm barrierefreier Zugang

Associate Dean of Studies
Dr. David Willumsen

Dean of Studies
assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Eder

Information for students with disabilities

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