Master’s Programme Geography: Global Change – Regional Sustainability

Do you want to deepen your knowledge in the fields of urban and regional development, development studies, natural hazard research and mountain research?

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Building on a relevant Bachelor’s degree the students of this Master’s Degree Programme further develop integrated and network thinking skills at the intersections of society and environment.

Students may choose a focus from four main topics: urban and regional development, development studies, natural hazard research and mountain research. Students also learn a variety of methodologies from the fields of social sciences, geoinformatics, remote sensing as well as terrain and laboratory methodologies.


Graduates possess highly specialized knowledge in the field of geography. They are able to analyse geography-related issues with scientific methods and thus to measure, interpret and evaluate solutions to problems and to apply them in interdisciplinary contexts.

The Master’s Programme Geography: Global Change – Regional Sustainability promotes analytical and integrative skills as well as network thinking at the interface between society and environment. The compulsory modules represent a framework of subject-specific, methodical and practical contents.  In addition, the programme offers the ability to focus on the following subject areas: urban and regional development, development research, climate and cryospheric science as well as natural hazards research.

These subjects are being extended and completed by elective modules. Regardless of the elected field of specialisation, students are able to scientific work according to international standards, to plan and implement field works, organize and manage projects as well as to proceed in a target- and result-oriented manner.

With a wide-ranging geographical and interdisciplinary training, the study programme conveys subject-specific and methodical skills to elaborate responsible solution strategies in managing complex issues, with special attention to teamwork skills. Students are encouraged to practice and specialise in presentation skills, scientific writing as well as the leading of work groups and discussions.

The career fields for graduates of the Master’s Programme Geography: Global Change – Regional Sustainability range from engineering and planning offices, relevant economic fields as well as NGOs and public service.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

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