Master's Programme Sports and Human Movement Science

Curriculum (2007W)

As of winter semester 2015/2016 this programme is no longer open to new entrants.

Master of Science (MSc)

4 semesters/120 ECTS-Credits

Mode of Study

Admission Requirements 
Relevant bachelor's degree or equivalent

Faculty of Psychology and Sport Science

Qualification Level
Master (Second Cycle)

Study Code
C 066 825

* Information on the Curriculum (2007W)

Information about examination regulations, assessment and grading

Examination regulations

The examination regulation is an integral part of the curriculum, detailed information can be found under the paragraph examination regulations.

The grade distribution table is a statistical representation of the distribution of all successfully completed examinations in a given programme of study or subject (based on all registered students for the programme or subject). The grade distribution table is updated in regular intervals.

Austrian grading  scheme Definition  %-age
 1 EXCELLENT:  Outstanding performance 45.3= 100%
 2  GOOD:  Generally good, but with some errors 32.6
 3 SATISFACTORY:  Generally sound work with a number of substantial errors 16.4
 4 SUFFICIENT:  Performance meets the minimum cirteria 5.7
 5 INSUFFICIENT:  Substantial improvement necessary; requirement of further work

October 2018

Overall classification of the qualification

Not applicable
Explanation: An overall classification (mit Auszeichnung bestanden/pass with distinction, bestanden/pass, nicht bestanden/fail) – is awarded only for examinations that conclude a programme of study and consist of more than one subject (an examination of this type is not specified in the curriculum of this programme of study).

Contact and Information

Examination Office
Standort Innrain 52d

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