PhD Program in Economics

Curriculum (2009W)

 Joint Study Programme of the University of Innsbruck and the Johannes Kepler University Linz 

As of winter semester 2021/22 this programme is no longer open to new entrants. For information on the succeeding PhD Program please consult this page »

Doctor of Philosophy

6 semesters/180 ECTS-Credits

Mode of Study


Relevant diploma or master's degree or equivalent and Language Certificates

Faculty of Economics and Statistics

Qualification Level
Doctorate (Third Cycle)
ISCED-11: Level 8, EQF/NQF: Level 8

0311 Economics

Study Code
UC 794 355 xxx

Joint Study Programme of the University of Innsbruck and the Johannes Kepler University Linz  

* Information on the Curriculum (2009W)

The complete version of the curriculum reflects the currently valid version of the curriculum. It is for informational purposes only and is not legally binding. The legally binding version of the curriculum, including any amendments, may be found in the University of Innsbruck Bulletins.

In order to determine which version of the curriculum is applicable in your case, see the Catalogue of Studies,
 available at:
Section: Current Curriculum version.


Relevant master's or diploma degrees at the University of Innsbruck:

Criteria for the determination of equivalence:

Admission to the PhD Program in Economics requires a university (diploma or) master's degree in a thematically relevant field. Master's or diploma degrees awarded by universities of applied sciences ("Fachhochschulen") are considered on an individual basis.

In the event that equivalence has been established in principle but with certain qualifications missing for full equivalence, supplemental examinations may be required. These examinations must be completed during the doctoral degree programme.

Modules and Dissertation

Compulsory Modules 38 ECTS-CreditsDissertation 134 ECTS-Credits
Microeconomics 6 ECTS-Credits Macroeconomics 6 ECTS-Credits Econometrics 6 ECTS-Credits Generic Skills 4 ECTS-Credits Core Skills of the Thesis Topic 12 ECTS-Credits PhD Seminar I 2 ECTS-Credits PhD Seminar II 2 ECTS-Credits The dissertation is a piece of scientific work which serves to prove the student's ability to cope with scientific questions in an independent way. The dissertation can consist of articles that are related in terms of subject matter or methods. In this case, the dissertation must consist of a minimum of three scientific articles. A minimum of two of these articles have to be accepted for presentation by a reviewed international conference. The latter is not necessary, if at least one scientific article has been published or has been accepted for publication in a journal with a journal ranking of at least "B" according to the Tinbergen Journal Ranking. The articles must be preceded by an introduction which explains how they are related in terms of subject matter or method. If the articles were written by several authors, the doctoral student's own contribution must be shown in the introduction, as well. In their expert opinions, the evaluators of the dissertation have to examine both the subject matter of the articles and adherence to the requirements of a dissertation which consists of several scientific articles as stated above. The dissertation topic must be chosen from the fields of economics, statistics or finance. The dissertation has to be registered at the university where the student is registered. The statutes of the corresponding university determine topic approval, supervision and evaluation of the dissertation. After the positive evaluation of the dissertation, the programme must be completed with the Module " Doctoral Thesis Defence".
Elective Module 6 ECTS-CreditsDoctoral Thesis Defense (final doctoral examination)2 ECTS-Credits
One elective module with a total of 6 ECTS-Credits from the field of the topic of the Doctoral Thesis is to be taken. The final compulsory module Doctoral Thesis Defense (final doctoral examination) is based on an oral exam taken before an examination boa rd consisting of three examiners. The examination is public and, in particular, requires the candidate to give a short lecture about the content of the dissertation. The admission to the final doctoral examination requires successful completion of all compulsory and elective modules as well as the dissertation.

Qualification Profile and Skills

The PhD Program in Economics is an innovative degree programme offered by the University of Innsbruck and the University of Linz. The programme meets international standards and incorporates the latest developments and ongoing scientific discussions in the field. During the programme, students acquire technical in-depth knowledge of economics, preparing them to participate in further developments of the area at the highest levels. With excellent support for students, the programme draws on the combined expertise of the two faculties, each of which is considered to be in the top quarter in terms of quality in the German-speaking countries.

The doctoral programme has a strong research orientation and conveys abilities to develop independent research projects, to engage in critical discussion of other colleagues' published results, to communicate about one's field to colleagues, in public settings, and in teaching. In particular, graduates acquire abilities to produce scientific work meeting international standards, to participate in international research networks, to develop research projects independently and with scientific integrity, to successfully realize projects with the support of national and international research promotion organizations, and to liaise with colleagues, the scientific community and the general public.

Expected Learning Outcomes for the Doctorate

Graduates are qualified junior academics. They have mastered the methods applied in research in their area and are capable of critically discussing, analyzing, and further developing theories. Junior academics possess the competence to develop and conduct substantial research projects with scientific integrity, and they are qualified to reflect on these processes scientifically and theoretically. They are also aware of issues and questions in gender research.

Future Prospects: Occupational Profiles and Career Opportunities

Through their outstanding training in technical and methodological areas, graduates of the PhD Program in Economics have excellent career prospects and advancement opportunities in the global workforce. 

In particular, career opportunities for graduates of the PhD Program in Economics may be found in universities, in research institutions and other post-secondary educational facilities, in research departments of public institutions (e.g. national banks or regional development positions), international organizations (e.g. OECD, EU, IMP, World Bank), national and international interest groups and other non-governmental organizations, internationally active companies, and in self-employed contexts (e.g. as a consultant).

Information about examination regulations, assessment and grading

Examination regulations

The examination regulation is an integral part of the curriculum, detailed information can be found under the paragraph examination regulations.

The grade distribution table is a statistical representation of the distribution of all successfully completed examinations in a given programme of study or subject (based on all registered students for the programme or subject). The grade distribution table is updated in regular intervals.

Austrian grading  scheme Definition  %-age
 1 EXCELLENT:  Outstanding performance 56.8= 100%
 2  GOOD:  Generally good, but with some errors 25.4
 3 SATISFACTORY:  Generally sound work with a number of substantial errors 12.4
 4 SUFFICIENT:  Performance meets the minimum criteria 5.4
 5 INSUFFICIENT:  Substantial improvement necessary; requirement of further work

December 2021

Overall classification of the qualification

Not applicable
Explanation: An overall classification (mit Auszeichnung bestanden/pass with distinction, bestanden/pass, nicht bestanden/fail) – is awarded only for examinations that conclude a programme of study and consist of more than one subject (an examination of this type is not specified in the curriculum of this programme of study).

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