Teacher Training Programme with Diploma Thesis – Subject of Musical Instrument Education
Curriculum (2008W)
The so-called artistic subjects are taught at the Mozarteum University Salzburg’s department for Music Education in Innsbruck, but have to be registered at the University of Innsbruck. Before admission proof of the artistic aptitude acc. to §63.(1) of the Universities Act 2002 has to be provided at the Mozarteum Salzburg. Information on this study is available at the Mozarteum University Salzburg.

9 semesters/270 ECTS- Credits
(only possible in combination with the subject of Music Education)
Academic Degree
Magistra/Magister der Künste (Mag. art.)
Study Code
U 594
Information on the Curriculum (2008W)*
Admission Requirements
Secondary school completion certificate or equivalent
Additional examination
An admission examination must be passed in two artistic major subjects before the start of the studies.
*Information on the Curriculum (2008W)
- University of Innsbruck Bulletin June 11 2008, Issue 25, No. 43 (effective until SS 2012)
- University of Innsbruck Bulletin April 5 2012, Issue 16, No. 31 (effective from WS 2012/2013)
Musical Instrument Education (A2) can only be studied in combination with Music Education (A1) and is a teacher training programme for higher secondary schools with instrument instruction, pedagogical high schools and comparable institutions. Precondition is the passing of an admission examination before the start of the studies.
The admisison examination covers the following areas:
1st artistic major subject: presentation of works of higher difficulty levels from different music style periods (duration: approx. 20 minutes)
2nd artisitc major subject: presentation of works of intermediate difficulty from different music style periods (duration: approx. 15 minutes)
For the A2 admisison examination a considerably higher level of competence in playing the instruments/voice is demanded than for the A1 examination. Information on the admission examination, the required courses and further information can be taken from the curriculum of the Mozarteum University Salzburg.
The A1 / A2 secondary school teacher accreditation programme has a duration of 9 semesters and is concluded with the academic degree of Magister artium (Mag. art.).
Contact and Information
General Information about the Teacher Training Programme
Andrea Staudacher
Phone +43 512 560319-3133
Mail Andrea.STAUDACHER@moz.ac.at