Teacher Training Programme with Diploma Thesis – Subject of Music Education
Curriculum (2008W)
The so-called artistic subjects are taught at the Mozarteum University Salzburg’s department for Music Education in Innsbruck, but have to be registered at the University of Innsbruck. Before admission proof of the artistic aptitude acc. to §63.(1) of the Universities Act 2002 has to be provided at the Mozarteum Salzburg. Information on this study is available at the Mozarteum University Salzburg.

9 semesters/270 ECTS- Credits
(combination of two subjects)
Academic Degree
Magistra/Magister der Künste (Mag. art.)
Study Code
U 593
Information on the Curriculum (2008W)*
Admission Requirements
Secondary school completion certificate or equivalent
Additional examination
An admission examination covering artistic, musical-theoretical and pedagogical areas must be passed before the start of the studies.
*Information on the Curriculum (2008W)
- University of Innsbruck Bulletin June 11 2008, Issue 25, No. 43 (effective until SS 2012)
- University of Innsbruck Bulletin April 5 2012, Issue 16, No. 31 (effective from WS 2012/2013)
Music Education (A1) covers pedagogical, artistic and scientific courses and must be combined with a second school subject. The second subject can be chosen from all secondary school teacher accreditation programmes offered at the University of Innsbruck and Musical Instrument Education (A2) at the Mozarteum University Salzburg’s department for Music Education in Innsbruck.
Within the scope of the A1 study programme an artistic major subject must be studied. The artistic major subject can be chosen from all instruments offered at the resp. universities in Salzburg and Innsbruck and voice.
If piano or voice, both of which are obligatory, are chosen as artistic major subject, no further artistic subject is requried.
The admission examination covers the following areas:
- Artistic major subject
- Piano, unless artistic major subject
- Voice, unless artistic major subject
- Sensitivity of the musical ear
- General music theory
- Participation in a musical-communicative project
Detailed information on the admission examination and the courses can be taken from the curriculum of the Mozarteum University Salzburg. The A1 secondary school teacher accreditation programme with a second school subject at the University of Innsbruck has a duration of 9 semesters and is concluded with the academic degree of Magister artium (Mag. art.).
Studies Induction and Orientation Stage (STEOP)
The Studies Induction and Orientation Stage (STEOP) requirements cease to be effective as of academic year 2014/2015 and no longer apply for students of this study programme.
Students who enrolled for this programme before 1 October 2014 (academic year 2014/2015) can repeat not successful completed courses which were designated in the curriculum as “STEOP courses” four times (= five examination attempts). As per Universities Act § 77 (2), previous attempts are to be counted among the number of total examination attempts permitted.
(1) The Studies Induction and Orientation Stag (STEOP), with a duration of one semester (30 ECTS-Credits), provides an overview of the study programme and its structure in order to give students an objective basis to assess their decision to pursue their chosen subject(s).
(2) Because of the special admission regulations (proof of the artistic aptitude acc. to §63.(1) of the Universities Act 2002 at the Mozarteum Salzburg) no further course is scheduled in the study orientation period for the school subject of Music Education. Further information is available at the Mozarteum University Salzburg: http://www.moz.ac.at/
(3) Should the school subject of Music Education be combined with another school subject offered at the University of Innsbruck (exception: Sports Science, Musical Instrument Education), the following course examinations that may be repeated twice have to be passed in the orientation period:
One in the second school subject chosen and one on the orientation unit, SL 2, 2 ECTS-credits, of the pedagogical training.
Course of the orientation period of the second school subject chosen
Orientation course (SL 2, 2 ECTS-Credits)
(4) A positive result (passing grade) on the examinations specified in Paragraph 2 permits students to attend all courses and take all examinations following the Studies Induction and Orientation Stag (STEOP) and to write a bachelor's thesis as described in the curriculum. The registration requirements specified by the curriculum must be met.
Contact and Information
General Information about the Teacher Training Programme
Andrea Staudacher
Phone +43 512 560319-3133
Mail Andrea.STAUDACHER@moz.ac.at