Project Leader
Senior Scientist
Research topics
- Anaerobic microbiology
- Methanogenesis and biogas microbiology
- Ecophysiology of anaerobes
- Archaea
- Cultivation of anaerobic microorganisms
- Anaerobic photosynthesis
- Biogas upgrading
- AD of aromatic compounds
- Inhibitory substances in AD systems
- Wasterwater monitoring
- Wastewater treatment plants
Universität Innsbruck
Department of Microbiology
Technikerstraße 25d
Bauteil V, 1st floor, Room 0/505
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Scientific Staff
Research topics
- Anaerobic microbiology
- Methanogenesis and biogas microbiology
- Ecophysiology of anaerobes
- Archaea
- Cultivation of anaerobic microorganisms
- Anaerobic photosynthesis
- Biogas upgrading
- AD of aromatic compounds
- Inhibitory substances in AD systems
Universität Innsbruck
Department of Microbiology
Technikerstraße 25d
Bauteil V, 1st floor, Room 0/507
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

PhD student
Research topics
- Anaerobic microbiology
- Methanogenesis and biogas microbiology
- Ecophysiology of anaerobes
- Archaea
- Cultivation of anaerobic microorganisms
- Anaerobic photosynthesis
- Biogas upgrading
- AD of aromatic compounds
- Inhibitory substances in AD systems
- F420
- Anaerobic photosynthesis
Universität Innsbruck
Department of Microbiology
Technikerstraße 25d
Bauteil V, 1st floor, Room 0/507
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

PhD Student
Research topics
- WBE - Wastewater based epidemiology
- Analytical chemistry
- Anaerobic digestion process
- Microbial communities and diversity in AD systems

Universität Innsbruck
Department of Microbiology
Technikerstraße 25d
Bauteil V, 1st floor
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

PhD Student
Research topics
- Environmental microbiology
- Molecular microbial ecology
- intra- and extracellular DNA
- Optimisation of DNA extraction methods
- Microbiomes
- Microbial communities and diversity

Universität Innsbruck
Department of Microbiology
Technikerstraße 25d
Bauteil V, 1st floor
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Master Student and Technical Assistant
Monitoring of the Microbiome of Austrian Wastewater Plants
Universität Innsbruck
Department of Microbiology
Technikerstraße 25d
Bauteil V, 1st floor
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

PhD Student
F420 tail length in methanogens
Master Thesis
Effects of phenyl acids on the acetoclastic methanogens Methanosarcina acetovorans and Methanosarcina thermophila
Research topics
- Anaerobic cultivation
- Methanogens
- F420 tail length
- Microbial communities and diversity in AD
Universität Innsbruck
Department of Microbiology
Technikerstraße 25d
Bauteil V, 1st floor
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

PhD Student
Optimisation of the AD process via activated carbons
Master Thesis
Effect of (activated) carbons on biogas development and the microbiome in AD systems
Research topics
- Biochar
- Methanogens
- Activated carbons
- Microbial communities and diversity in AD systems
Universität Innsbruck
Department of Microbiology
Technikerstraße 25d
Bauteil V, 1st floor
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Master Students
Master Student
Microbiology of biogenic exhaust air filters
Universität Innsbruck
Department of Microbiology
Technikerstraße 25d
Bauteil V, 1st floor
6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Master Student
Effects of BESA on Anaerobic Digestion
Universität Innsbruck
Department of Microbiology
Technikerstraße 25d
Bauteil V, 1st floor
6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Former Master Students
Master Student
Phototrophic Bacteria: Bioconversion of light to chemical energy in form of methane
Universität Innsbruck
Department of Microbiology
Technikerstraße 25d
Bauteil V, 1st floor
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Master Student
Effects of phenyl acids on the hydrogenotrophic methanogen Methanothermobacter wolfeii and on the metylotrophic methanogen Methanomethylovorans thermophila
Universität Innsbruck
Department of Microbiology
Technikerstraße 25d
Bauteil V, 1st floor
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Master Student
Effects of phenyl acids on the hydrogenotrophic methanogens Methanoculleus thermophilus and Methanocella arvoryzae
Universität Innsbruck
Department of Microbiology
Technikerstraße 25d
Bauteil V, 1st floor
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Topic: Occurrence and performance of syntrophic acetate oxidizing bacteria (SAOBs) during anaerobic degradation of aromatic compounds in thermophilic systems
Finished: 2023
Topic: Effects of phenyl acid pulses on anaerobic digestion and biogas production under thermophilic conditions
Finished: 2023
Topic: Degradation of phenyl acid in the presence of alternative electron acceptors
Finished: 2022
Topic: Detection of Noro- and Influenzaviruses in waste water
Finished: 2022
Topic: Effects of bromethansulfonic acid (BESA) on hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogenesis in mixed cultures
Finished: 2022
Topic: Establishment and start-up of an mesophilic biogas reactor system for testing the effects of increasing concentrations of phenyl acids during AD
Finished: 2022
Topic: Effects of phenyl acids on the 4 degradation steps during mesophilic AD
Finished: 2022
Topic: Establishment of an thermophilic, parallel, semi-continuous reactor system for analysing increasing phenyl acid concentrations during AD
Finished: 2021
Topic: Detection of spore-forming organisms in raw milk by using HPLC-analysis and the comparison with cultural and molecular biological approaches
Finished: 2020
Topic: Separation and degradation of glykol-modified PET and polylactate with fungi and via anaerobic degradation
finished: 2020
Title: The effects of phenyl acids on the 4 degradation phases during thermophilic AD
Finished: 2019
Topic: Improving digestability of corn sillage via pre-treatment with Trichoderma viride
Finished: 2019