Project Specifications


The digitization of Innsbruck, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum Cod. FB 3172 was performed in October 2024 using a Zeutschel OS Q2 A2+ Overhead Scanner. We in the Gebetsbuch Project are grateful to Thomas Krismer, Sabine Ecker, and their colleagues in the Digital Services Unit of the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol for doing this work.

The digitization produced 496 images at 600 dpi in TIFF format.


The source of the project was the fifteenth-century manuscript, Innsbruck, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum Cod. FB 3172.


Transcription of the manuscript is being undertaken with the aid of Transkribus, an online software tool that employs AI to process and analyze historical documents through text recognition, image analysis, and structure recognition. It was originally developed at the University of Innsbruck, along with several partners around the world, and is currently managed by the international, non-profit cooperative organization, READ-COOP.

Initial transcriptions of the folios 82r-102v were done using the Transkribus transcription model “German_Gothic_Scripts_14th-16th_century,” created by Dorothee Huff. However, the Gebetsbuch Project intends to train its own manuscript-specific model and make that available to other Transkribus users when finished.

Page from the Gebetsbuch
Detail from the Gebetsbuch
A detail of the top of the spine of Cod. FB 3172
Scanning the Gebetsbuch
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