About Us


Gerald Hiebel

Dr. Gerald Hiebel
Principal Investigator

Gerald Hiebel is a senior scientist at the University of Innsbruck (UIBK), affiliated with both the Department of Archaeologies and the Digital Science Center (DiSC). 

His research focuses on methodologies for representing complex knowledge from (pre-)historical contexts, utilizing areas  such as ontology engineering, knowledge graph creation, and geoinformation systems. Hiebel was
the project leader and proposer of the project.

E-mail: gerald.hiebel@uibk.ac.at

Manuel Scherer-Windisch MA
PhD student Archaeology 

Manuel Scherer-Windisch is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Innsbruck. He is researching in the FWF project “Information Integration for Prehistoric Mining Archaeology” and uses digital methods such as geoinformation systems to analyze prehistoric mining activities. Scherer-Windisch is currently the director of the Kaprun Museum.

E-mail: manuel.scherer-windisch@uibk.ac.at

Daniel Brandner BA

Daniel Brandner is a scientist at the Natural History Museum Vienna (NHM) focusing on research concerning the prehistoric landscape of the Hallstatt salt mines. He has been in charge of the excavations in the prehistoric salt mines of Hallstatt since 2023. As part of the project, he was involved in the mining prospections and excavations in Pinzgau.

E-mail: daniel.brandner@nhm.at

Brigit Danthine MA

Brigit Danthine is an archaeologist and geodesist at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. Her research focuses on archaeoinformatics, in particular digital excavation documentation and the combination of 3D data, GIS and semantic networks. Within the framework of the project, she was involved in the processing of the archaeological data.

E-mail: brigit.danthine(at)oeaw.ac.at

Roman Lamprecht BA MA

Roman Lamprecht is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Innsbruck. He is particularly active in the fields of prehistoric mining archaeology, the analysis of stone tools as well as archaeological survey projects and excavations. During the project, he was involved in the prospections in the Brixental and in the processing of the archaeological data.

E-mail: Roman.Lamprecht@uibk.ac.at

Julia Haas BA MA

Julia Haas is a self-employed archaeologist working on the production and use of ceramic artifacts and mining archaeology. She is also involved in both museum work and the communication of scientific information, including public relations work and educational projects. Haas was involved in the mining prospections in the Brixental.

Milena Peralta Friedburg

Milena Peralta Friedburg is a project member at the Institute of Linguistics and Archaeology at the University of Innsbruck. She works on the analysis of historical texts and has a focus on digital humanities to investigate economic and social networks. In the project, she worked on data processing and integration.

E-mail: Milena.Peralta-Friedburg@uibk.ac.at

Dr. phil. Thomas Dauth BA MA

Thomas Dauth is a research assistant at the Institute of Archaeology. His research focuses on digital archaeology, research data management, the study of cultural contacts and the archaeology of the Mediterranean. His work within the project focussed on digital possibilities for the publication of semantic data and their evaluation.

E-mail: Thomas.Dauth@uibk.ac.at

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