RDF Creation Pipeline

This pipeline enables the creation of RDF Data, a semantic web standard used to build Knowledge Graphs (information represented in a network structure). The examples in this guide generally assume a scenario with structured data from various sources. A conceptual mapping to CIDOC CRM, along with any desired extensions or other ontologies, is performed. The next step involves creating tab-delimited text structures with unique URI identifiers. This may be done by either directly creating a complete URI or by using a prefix for the first part of the URI. Maintaining control over identifiers in the RDF creation pipeline is a critical aspect. Using prefixes allows reference to common sources like Getty AAT, Wikidata, or ontologies, or to create specific prefixes for each table in the database being mapped, thereby utilizing the identifiers already present in the database. When these text files are created, the steps in this pipeline can be followed to produce RDF data.



RDF creation pipeline


The RDF creation pipeline was presented to the archaeological community in a    workshop PPTX:    Video          

The RDF creation pipeline latest version is available as PDF



Gerald Hiebel, Milena Peralta Friedburg, & Stead, S. (2024, April 30). RDF creation pipeline. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11092544




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