Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anna Gamper

Curriculum Vitae

1975    birth in Innsbruck

1993   A level GCE summa cum laude at the Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck (classical branch)

1993 - 1997   undergraduate study of law at the University of Innsbruck

1997   Magistra iuris

1997 - 2000   project assistant at the Institut für Föderalismus in Innsbruck

1997 - 1999   doctoral study of law at the University of Innsbruck; study visits at the University of Cambridge, UK, and at King's College London, UK

1998 - 2004   assistant at the Institut für Öffentliches Recht, Finanzrecht und Politikwissenschaft, University of Innsbruck

1999   Doctor iuris

2001 - 2005   Austrian vice-representative in the Group of Independent Experts of the Institutional Committee (CLRAE, Council of Europe)

2003   Dr. Otto Seibert-Wissenschafts-Förderungs-Preis an der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck 2002

2004   Habilitation for public law, constitutional theory and comparative public law

2004   associate professor

since 2004   member of the International Association of Constitutional Law

since 2004   founding member of Euroregionale Vereinigung für vergleichendes öffentliches Recht und Europarecht/Associazione Euroregionale di Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo

since 2004   member of Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer

since 2004   co-editor of European Diversity and Autonomy Papers - EDAP

since 2004   member of the Euroregionale Vereinigung für vergleichendes öffentliches Recht und Europarecht/Associazione Euroregionale di Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo (chairwoman 2007-2019, member of the board 2020-2022)

2005   Preis der Landeshauptstadt Innsbruck für wissenschaftliche Forschung an der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck

since 2005   Austrian representative in the Group of Independent Experts (CLRAE, Council of Europe)

2005 - 2012   member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the European Academy of Bolzano (Italy)

since 2006   member of the board of Tiroler Juristische Gesellschaft

since 2006   co-editor of Schriften zum internationalen und vergleichenden Öffentlichen Recht

since 2006   member of Societas Iuris Publici Europaei

since 2006   member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Devolution Club

since 2007   member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law (ICL-Journal)

2008   full professor at the Institut für öffentliches Recht, Staats- und Verwaltungslehre of the University of Innsbruck (§ 98 UG 2002)

since 2008   deputy head of the Institut für öffentliches Recht, Staats- und Verwaltungslehre of the University of Innsbruck

since 2009   member of the Advisory Board of Federal Governance

since 2009   member of the Academic Senate of the University of Innsbruck

since 2009   co-editor of Juristische Blätter

2009 - 2018   member of the board of Interdisziplinäre Gesellschaft für Komparatistik und Kollisionsrecht

2011   Forschungspreis der Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse 2011

2011 - 2018/19   member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Spektrum der Rechtswissenschaft

2012 - 2018   member of the international jury of the Emperor Maximilian Prize

since 2012   member of the board of Studi parlamentari e di politica costituzionale

since 2012   member of the board of Österreichischer Juristentag

since 2013   coordinator of the Research Centre on Federalism (Politics and Law) of the University of Innsbruck

since 2013   member of the board of Österreichische Gesellschaft für Gesetzgebungslehre (ordinary member since 2007)

2013 - 2016   member of the doctoral college "Diritto Costituzionale Italiano ed Europeo" of the Università degli Studi di Verona

2013 - 2017   vice-president of the Group of Independent Experts (CLRAE; Council of Europe; member since 2005, vice-member from 2001 to 2005)

since 2014   member of the international scientific advisory board of Percorsi costituzionali

since 2015   member of the board of Studies in Territorial and Cultural Diversity Governance

since 2016   member of the scientific advisory board of verfassung.li (online commentary on the constitution of Liechtenstein)

since 2017   member of the scientific advisory board of Rivista di Diritti Comparati

since 2017   member of the scientific advisory board of Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen/European Journal of Minority Studies

since 2017   chairperson of the assembly of professors of the Law School/University of Innsbruck

since 2018   co-editor of "Grenz-Räume"

since 2019   chairperson of the assembly of professors of the Senate/University of Innsbruck (re-elected in 2022)

since 2020   member of the board of editors of Sovranità, Federalismo, Diritti

since 2021   member of the board of trustees of the Hans Kelsen Institut

since 15 Dec 2021   substitute judge of the Constitutional Court of the Principality of Liechtenstein (re-appointed in 2022)

since 2022    member of the Association of Judges of Liechtenstein

since 2023   member of the scientific advisory board of Antologia di Diritto Pubblico

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