Scientific integrity

Research integrity, good scientific practice and research ethics as well as values and norms of correct and good conduct in research are important concerns of the University of Innsbruck. Every researcher at the University has to consider issues of research integrity and research ethics.

The rules of good scientific practice and ethical issues are also relevant for teaching.

This section outlines which boards and departments at the University of Innsbruck support researchers in these matters and which procedures have been implemented at the University of Innsbruck with regard to these aspects.

Good scientific practice

Research integrity

Independent of formal investigation procedures, an ombudsman's office is available to all scientists at the University of Innsbruck for low-threshold counseling and conflict mediation in questions of good scientific practice and in suspected cases of scientific misconduct. Ombuds Office for Good Scientific Practice at the University of Innsbruck

The guidelines of the University of Innsbruck define the following offenses as violations of good scientific practice:

Any infringement of intellectual property

  • Plagiarism (use of foreign text passages or data by direct, paraphrased or translated adoption without appropriate citation of the source and the author)
  • Theft of ideas
  • Exclusion of authorized authorship
  • Fraudulent authorship in publications
  • Claiming the (co-)authorship of another person without their permission
  • Unauthorized publication

Falsification of research results

  • Invention, falsification, manipulation and suppression of data
  • Falsification of results
  • Removal or inadequate documentation of primary data

Breach of supervisory duties, lack of cooperation or collegiality

  • Lack of or inadequate academic discussion in working groups
  • Inadequate supervision of junior researchers or authors of (scientific) theses
  • Lack of instruction of those involved in research with regard to good scientific practice
  • Sabotage of research activities
  • Defamation in relation to good scientific practice
  • Breach of trust as a reviewer

Austrian Agency for scientific integrityGuidelines of the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity on Good Scientific Practice.

Guidelines of the University of Innsbruck Richtlinie zur Sicherung der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis.

Every scientist is responsible for orienting him or herself accordingly.

The Director of Studies is the responsible body and acts as an authority for matters of study law such as the annulment of assessments (UG 2002 § 73) and the revocation of domestic academic degrees or academic titles (UG 2002 § 89). This applies to academic theses.

The Vice-Rectorate for Research is responsible for cases that do not fall within the area of responsibility of the Director of Studies. The Office for Scientific Integrity is the point of contact for these cases, which are not affected by matters of study law.

Office for Scientific Integrity:

Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Robert Rebitsch
Main University Building, 1st floor
Innrain 52, A- 6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507 20009

The Rector shall decide on the measures to be taken in the case of a violation of good academic practice that does not fall within the remit of the Director of Studies. Academic misconduct or the violation of the rules of good academic practice may have consequences under employment law, study law, criminal law or civil law in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

The Austrian Agency for Research Integrity (ÖAWI) aims to ensure good scientific practice in the Austrian research and education landscape. The University of Innsbruck is a member of the ÖAWI.

Integrity in teaching

Abuse of power and taking advantage of dependency relationships as well as inadequate supervision are among the violations of good academic practice in teaching. Students and early career researchers are entitled to regular academic supervision and support.

The University Director of Studies is responsible for these issues. At the University of Innsbruck, this function is currently carried out by the Vice-Rector for Teaching and Student Affairs.


This procedure typically concerns research projects in which investigations or studies are carried out with human beings, e.g. in sports science, psychology, school research and experimental economics.

The Ethics Advisory Board carries out reviews in the departments outside the remit of the four review boards from dissertation level upwards. Master's and diploma theses are not reviewed by the Advisory Board.

Applications must be submitted before the start of a study/project. In the case of third-party funded projects, applications are submitted to the Advisory Board after approval by the funding body (FWF, EU, etc).

Information on how to apply can be found on the following website:

Office for Scientific Integrity:

Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Robert Rebitsch
Main University Building, 1st floor
Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507 20009

Training and information offer

The Office for Research Integrity offers information events as part of the university's internal staff development training courses.

Please contact Dr. Robert Rebitsch, Office for Research Integrity, if you would like to hold a relevant information event at your faculty or institute or as part of the research focus system.

Courses and seminars on good scientific practice and ethical aspects in research can be found in the course catalog.

Contact and information points

Enquiries & advice

Office for Scientific Integrity

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Robert Rebitsch

+43 512 507 20009

Innrain 52
A-6020 Innsbruck

Office hours
Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm
Appointments by arrangement

Research Performance Documentation (FLD)

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