Grants and prizes for early career researchers (PhD level)

Current tenders

Hypo Tirol Bank Dis­ser­ta­tion­spreis

Latest and outstanding dissertations are awarded

Men­tor­ing Pro­gramme

for young female scientists at the University of Innsbruck

inno­va­tion fund dig­i­ti­za­tion

From 10.01.2025, project applications can be submitted that support digitalisation in teaching.

1669 Travel and research grants

For the realisation of a research project abroad for young scientists who are members of a DK.

Event pro­mo­tion

Promotion of scientific events at the University of Innsbruck.

Gen­eral print­ing cost sub­sidy

General printing cost subsidy for anthologies, monographs, conference proceedings, etc.

Open Access Publi­ca­tion Fund

Co-financing of fees for publication in open access journals.

FWF Open-Access Pro­gramme (OAP)

Funding for Open Access publications resulting from FWF projects.

No current tenders at the moment

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