Doctoral scholarship from the University of Innsbruck

1st tranche 2025

In line with the endeavours of Austrian and European science and education policy, the promotion of young academics is a key objective of the University of Innsbruck.

The scholarship is awarded for a maximum of 24 months (two interruptions possible) with a monthly allowance of 1.070 euros.

In order to particularly promote young female scientists, the aim is to award at least 50 per cent of the available funding to women. Women are therefore particularly encouraged to apply.

Applicants who are involved in the "main research areas" of the University of Innsbruck (research areas, research platform and centers, doctoral colleges) and/or applicants who are (co-)working on project proposals will be given priority if they are of equal scientific quality.

  • All doctoral students (including members of doctoral colleges) who are enrolled at the University of Innsbruck as regular students and registered for continuation are eligible to apply.
  • The dissertation must be registered.
  • Applicants must provide evidence of excellent academic success (excellent grade point average + normal duration of study, i.e. minimum duration of studies plus 2 tolerance semesters per study/section; exceeding the minimum duration must be justified in the curriculum vitae) or scientific achievements.
  • A maximum of two resubmissions are possible

  • The monthly grant amounts to 1.070 euros. The scholarship is granted for a maximum of 24 months, with an interim review after 6 months, i.e. the duration of the grant is fixed for 6 months at a time. The interim review consists of a progress report, which is confirmed by the dissertation supervisor. An interruption of the 24-month period is only possible twice. The interruption may not last longer than 6 months, otherwise a new application must be submitted. This scholarship is conceived as start-up/interim/bridge/final funding for doctoral students.

    In this context, we would like to draw your attention to external funding bodies for possible continued funding, such as the Austrian Academy of Sciences (DOC and DOC team), TNF as well as employment via other third-party funded projects (e.g. FWF, EU, FFG).

  • No employment at the University of Innsbruck is permitted during the period of this scholarship.

    Employment - outside the University of Innsbruck - of more than 20 hours per week is not permitted and will result in the immediate cancellation of the grant.

  • If you publish an academic paper as part of the study programme funded by this scholarship, all publications, including the dissertation, must refer to the scholarship granted by the University of Innsbruck, Vice-Rectorate for Research. The University of Innsbruck must be stated in any affiliation.

Applications must be submitted during the submission period

from 08th of January, 2025 to 17th of February, 2025 inclusive

via the Student portal LFU:online.

Required documents

  1. Description of the planned dissertation project: introduction/thesis, status of relevant international research, project objectives/hypotheses, description of the project’s anticipated level of originality or innovation /impact of the progress expected (precise and clearly defined innovative aspects), methodology, work and time planning, collaborations (national and international), any ethical aspects, list of literature relevant to the project, total length 8-12 pages
  2. Abstract (approx. ½ page, in German)
  3. Letter of recommendation from the dissertation supervisor
  4. Curriculum vitae and list of publications

For doctoral students who did not complete their undergraduate studies at the UIBK, the following documents are also required

  1. Certificate of graduation
  2. Certificates (diploma/bachelor's/master's degree certificates) of all studies

ATTENTION: An application is only possible for doctoral students who are enrolled as regular students at the University of Innsbruck and are registered for continuation. The registration of the dissertation must also be available. Otherwise the system will not allow an application.

The next call is expected to be published in early summer 2025.

In addition to the description of the dissertation project, the evaluation criteria are the assessment of the diploma or master's thesis, the grade point average in the basic studies (it is recommended to submit an application only with very good grades) and scientific achievements (e.g. publications, presentations and project proposals).

Funding is expected to be awarded at the beginning of April 2025 (i.e. earliest start of funding is April 2025 and latest start of funding is October 2025).

The German version of the call prevails over the English one in case deviations.

Enquiries & advice
Research funding and mentoring

MMag. Dr Gundula Maria Schwinghammer

+43 512 507 34417

Technikerstr 21a, ICT-Gebäude, ZiNr. 1 W 10
A-6020 Innsbruck

Office hours
Monday - Thursday: 9 am - 3 pm
Friday: 9 - 12 am
Appointments outside office hours by arrangement

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