Printing grants for young researchers at the University of Innsbruck funded by the Südtiroler Sparkasse Foundation
The Südtiroler Sparkasse Foundation provides the University of Innsbruck with printing cost subsidies for the publication of dissertations in all scientific disciplines that have been written and submitted at the University of Innsbruck. The maximum funding amount per dissertation is 2,000 euros.
Funding is provided for the published printing of latest and excellent (i.e. a grade of "very good" in both reviews) dissertations (see also the possibility of publication at Innsbruck University Press).
Doctoral candidates from all disciplines at the University of Innsbruck are eligible to apply.
Publication of latest dissertations with grades of "very good" in both reviews, which were written and submitted at the University of Innsbruck.
Note: When selecting the award winners, externally reviewed dissertations will be given preferential consideration or external reviews (if an in-house review and an external review are available) will be given more weight in the evaluation.
If funding is awarded, the Südtiroler Sparkasse Foundation's funding notice must be printed in the thesis (after prior agreement) and a copy must be sent to the Südtiroler Sparkasse Foundation.
Please have the application entered into the project database by the responsible project database officer at your institute and upload all documents individually as .pdf files. Send the project database number as an application by e-mail to no later than
Wednesday, 7th of May 2025
Documents to be submitted
- Application form download
- Brief description of the dissertation (approx. 1 to 2 DIN A4 pages).
- Doctoral thesis
- Both dissertation reviews
- Publishing offer for printing
- Cost calculation or financing plan (only necessary for high costs, i.e. from € 3,000)
- List of other subsidies (applied for or approved)
- CV and list of relevant publications of the applicant
The grant will be awarded in June 2025 at the latest.
Dissertations that cannot be selected for funding in this call but meet the call criteria will automatically be included in the call Printing grants for young researchers at the University of Innsbruck in spring 2025.
The German version prevails over the English one in case of deviations.
Enquiries & advice
Research funding and mentoring
Mag. Dr. Katharina Steinmüller, LL.M.
+43 512 507 34411
Technikerstr 21a, ICT-Gebäude, ZiNr. 1 W 11
A-6020 Innsbruck
Office hours
Monday - Friday : 9 am - 1 pm
Appointments outside office hours by arrangement