Event promotion of the University of Innsbruck
Every year, the Rectorate of the University of Innsbruck provides global budget funds for the promotion of scientific events. This event promotion fund of the University of Innsbruck is administered by the Vice-Rectorate for Research. The funding is intended to facilitate the organisation of high-quality scientific events. Funding is awarded based on budgetary availability.
Applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis.
- Scientific events at the University of Innsbruck. Eligible to apply are organisers who, as members of the UIBK, are the main responsible persons to organise and carry out an event at the University of Innsbruck including the University Centre Obergurgl.
- Scientific congresses, conferences and symposia at the University of Innsbruck are particularly eligible for funding.
- Depending on the financial resources available, academic congresses, conferences and symposia as well as events under the direction of the university management, faculties, institutes and service units that are not organised at the University of Innsbruck will be funded.
Funding guidelines (the guidelines have been published atNewsletter from 28 January 2008 )
The following cost items can be funded:
- Accommodation costs for speakers, in justified exceptional cases for participants
- Travelling and transport costs for speakers
- Rental and operating costs of the event premises
- Advertising costs (e.g. brochures etc.)
- Conference material costs (e.g. homepage, conference folders, etc.)
- Costs for office supplies
- Costs for coffee breaks and seminar drinks
Catering costs such as buffets and restaurant visits are treated as subordinate and can only be subsidised to a limited extent.
Costs not eligible for funding are
- Personnel costs
- Payment for teaching or lecturing activities
(neither possible via fee notes nor via teaching assignments) Costs for goodie bags and gifts for speakers and event participants of all kinds
- The purchase of fixed assets (purchase value over EUR 400.00 gross)
All application documents (Application form including the event programme) must be sent by email to forschung@uibk.ac.at.
Once the application has been processed, the applicant will be informed in writing of the approval or rejection.
The Vice-Rectorate for Research will transfer the approved funding amount to the financial centre of the respective institute.
Unused funding amounts must be reported to the Vice-Rectorate for Research and, if necessary, repaid upon request.
The event must be publicised at Calendar of events on the homepage of the University of Innsbruck
Application & counselling
Office of the Vice-Rector for Research
Rania Abbas-Ragab
Jaqueline Klotz
+43 512 507 20101 or 20102
Main University Building
Innrain 52, Room 1038
6020 Innsbruck
Office hours
Monday - Thursday: 7.30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday 8 - 12 o'clock
Further funding centres
- International Relations Office of the University of Innsbruck (accommodation costs)
- Provincial funding (conferences with a Tyrolean connection)
- Congress funding from the city of Innsbruck (tourism-related)
- ÖFG - Austrian Research Foundation (travel funds for trips abroad and for inviting scientists to Austria)
- Tyrolean science funding (fees)
- Autonomous Province of Bolzano South Tyrol (South Tyrol reference)