FWF Open Access Programme (OAP)

Open Access publications resulting from FWF projects will be funded directly by the University of Innsbruck from 1 January 2024 and can no longer be submitted to the FWF.

Funding is available for peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, contributions to proceedings/collective volumes or similar.

Open Access fees in connection with peer-reviewed monographs, entire  edited volumes or entire special issues. These costs can still be applied for via FWF Programme Book Publications.


Two Open Access funding options are available:

Funding is awarded by the Vice-Rectorate for Research. The following award guidelines apply:

  • The financial support is aimed at heads and staff of FWF projects.
  • Funding is available for the costs of peer-reviewed publications (journal articles, book chapters, contributions to proceedings/collective volumes, etc.) resulting from FWF projects up to three years after the end of the project.
  • A prerequisite for funding is the Affiliation with the University of Innsbruck of the corresponding author(s). In the case of multiple institutional affiliations of the corresponding author, funding will only be granted if the affiliation with UIBK is mentioned first. This applies to all publications accepted for publication by the publisher after January 1, 2025.
  • Only peer-reviewed publications with a "CC BY" licence in DOAJ -listed Gold Open Access journals ("fully open access") are eligible for funding.
  • The publication must comply with the guidelines of FWF Open Access Policy.

    In particular, the following text must be included in the publication:
    "This research was funded in whole or in part by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)[grant DOI]. For open access purposes, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright licence to any author accepted manuscript version arising from this submission."

    For publications in German: "This research was funded in whole or in part by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [grant DOI]. For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY public copyright licence to any author accepted manuscript version arising from this submission."
  • Costs for open access publications in subscription journals (hybrid open access) are not subsidised. This does not apply to publishers with whom the University and Provincial Library of Tyrol has concluded agreements that enable university members to publish their research results free of charge, Further information can be found here.
    For ongoing projects that were approved before January 1, 2021, the FWF allows the settlement of publication invoices (APC) for hybrid publications to be settled from the material funds of the respective project funds.
  • Costs for open access publications from projects of the funding program “Interregionale Forschungsprojekte Europaregion Tirol–Südtirol–Trentino - IPN” (EUREGIO) cannot be funded.

  • Other costs associated with publication that are not subject to open access (e.g. page charges, colour charges, cover charges)
  • Costs for delayed or subsequent open access publication
  • Costs for read access
  • Costs for publications with licences other than the "CC BY" licence
  • Open Access fees in connection with peer-reviewed monographs, entire edited volumes or entire special issues. These costs can still be settled via FWF Programme Book Publications.

Applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis via an entry in Project database. Please refer to Leaflet to find out how to make the entry. It is recommended submitting the application at the time of acceptance of the publication.

Documents to be submitted

  1. Manuscript of the publication
  2. Proof of the CC BY licence (e.g. licence agreement or screenshot of the "CC BY" selection)
  3. Confirmation of acceptance or publication invoice

For ongoing projects that were approved before January 1, 2021, the FWF allows the settlement of publication invoices (APC) for hybrid publications to be settled from the material funds of the respective project funds.

IMPORTANT! Please note that the publisher's invoice may not be paid in advance from an institute or project account. In the event of approval, payment should be made exclusively from the account for this project (printing cost subsidy).

The University and Provincial Library of Tyrol has signed agreements with many publishers that enable members of the university to publish their research results free of charge in renowned (subscription) open access journals. An overview of all agreements, including the journals included and the applicable conditions, can be found here. Please note that additional conditions apply to FWF articles with regard to the licence and acknowledgement including grant DOI.

Queries about publishing agreements

University and Provincial Library of Tyrol
Dept. of E-Media

Lisa Hofer
Erika Pörnbacher, MSc

+43 512 507 31038, 2405

You can find information on predatory publishing as well as help on how to distinguish a reputable journal from a dubious one at https://www.uibk.ac.at/en/ulb/publikationsservices/predatory-publishing/

Enquiries & advice

Open Access Coordination Centre
University and Provincial Library of Tyrol
Digital Services Department

Dr Barbara Laner (on leave)
Representation: Lisa Hofer

+43 512 507 31038

University and Provincial Library of Tyrol
Innrain 52
6020 Innsbruck


Office of the Vice-Rector for Research

Jaqueline Klotz

+43 512 507 20101

Main University Building
Innrain 52, Room 1038
6020 Innsbruck

Office hours
Monday - Thursday: 7.30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

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