Grants and prizes for students (Master's level)

Current tenders

Moun­tain agri­cul­ture

Funding of individual projects with an agricultural focus with up to 5,000 euros

1669 Pro­to­type devel­op­ment

Start-up financing for the development and further development of prototypes.

Award for Dig­i­tal­iza­tion Research

The award recognises outstanding academic theses by early-carreer researchers from all disciplines at the University of Innsbruck.

Ser­vices offered by Inter­na­tional Ser­vices

Information on mobility programmes with or without partner institutions.

Sup­port pro­gramme INN2­sci­ence stu­dents

To enable barrier-free access to career prospects for students with disabilities.

No current tenders at the moment

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