
Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC)

The » Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) is a collaboration of several Austrian universities, including the University of Innsbruck, which provides its users with supercomputer resources, technical support and training. This gives Innsbruck's researchers access to Austria's fastest supercomputers, » VSC4 and » VSC5, as well as to specialised » training and education

EuroCC Austria

» EuroCC Austria is the national competence center for supercomputing, big data and artificial intelligence, which was founded in 2020 as part of the EuroCC initiative. The University of Innsbruck is in close contact with all stakeholders via the Research Area Scientific Computing.

EuroCC (European Competence Center) is an international project to support research and innovation in the field of HPC in Europe. Its aim is to bring HPC competencies to a first-class level and to make HPC expertise available to various users from science, industry and the public sector, creating a competetive and sustainable European HPC landscape. 

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