Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johann Füller
Tel. +43 512 507 72314
Room: 4th floor West, 4.48
2012 Prof. Dr. Johann Füller took office at the University of Innsbruck’s faculty for Business Administration, where he holds the recently founded chair for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism. Since his habilitation on „Communities as a Source of Innovation – Towards a Theory of Innovation and Virtual Co-Creation Communities. Innovation 2.0 – From Fortified Castles to Open Bazars” he has been a senior lecturer of Marketing at the Innsbruck University School of Management.
He is Fellow at the NASA Tournament Lab-Research at Harvard University and CEO of Hyve AG, an innovation and community company. In line with his research focus, he regularly gives guest lectures about co-creation, online branding, creative consumer behavior, online marketing, open innovation, and the utilization of online communities. From 2008-2010, Johann was a visiting scholar and research affiliate at MIT Sloan School of Management. Johann habilitated in business administration at the Innsbruck University. He received his PhD in marketing with distinction about “Community Based Innovations – Virtual Integration of Online Consumer Groups into New Product Development”.
Before, he was engaged 3 years as corporate consultant in the field of strategic change at PriceWaterhouseCoopers. He further gained experience at McKinsey & Comp., Siemens, and Allied Signal. The graduated mechanical and industrial engineer completed his career with a master of international business as well as the Euro-Certificate for Engineers. Study visits led him to USA, France, and Spain. Johann published more than substantially in journals such as California Management Review, Harvard Business Manager, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Marketing Science, MIS Quarterly, Technovation, and others. His research explores user generated content and co-creation communities from multiple perspectives. As CEO of HYVE AG, Johann consults top corporations with the development of customer focused innovations and online communities.