Julian Just, PhD
PostDoc Researcher
Tel. +43 512 507 72315
Room: 4th floor West, 4.47
Julian is a PostDoc researcher in the team of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Innsbruck since August 2023. Starting at the beginning of 2020, his PhD project focused on the impact of natural language processing on activities in the front-end of innovation. In his PhD project he focuses on the impact of AI technology on the management of innovation processes, as well as connecting issues in online innovation and crowdsourcing with modern methods of machine learning and data science. He applies quantitative and qualitative methods in his research. He published in journals like Technovation, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, R&D Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, and Innovation: Organization and Management
Julian holds two bachelor’s degrees in Economics and in Business Administration from the University of Graz. Afterwards he completed the master program Strategic Management at the University of Innsbruck. During his studies he spent exchange semesters in Norway and Taiwan.
Julian gained first working experience at the Austrian trade commission in Canada and HYVE, a Munich-based consultancy focusing on open and user-centric innovation. Further, he is a fully certified ski guide and used to work in renown ski resorts across the Austrian Alps.