Brand Ventures

Our Brand Venture Talks bring the best and most well-known researchers from the Top Universities of the world to Innsbruck to enhance knowledge and inspire students, practitioners and our local academic community with insights into and around brands and their audiences.

The Brand Ventures offer practitioners inspiring new ideas, a state-of-the-art knowledge update, a space for networking, and an intellectual outbreak from everyday routines. Students gain extracurricular insights and the opportunity to personally meet with reputed marketing professionals and academics. 

Valentyna Melnyk

Behavioral Labeling: An Alternative Way of Building and Growing Brands

13th of December 2024, 6:00 pm

HS 3, SOWI- Building, Universitätsstraße 15

Short abstract

This research brings a different perspective to branding by introducing behavioural labeling as the use of names or tags that reflect an associated activity. Building on linguistic relativity theory we show that merely attaching a fictitious name to a behaviour can induce that very behaviour. This enables a new, complementary way to approach branding, which shifts a focus to labels attached to specific behaviours or actions crucial for the brand. In other words, we encourage brands to start thinking about behaviours they want to encourage and then link them to the brand. Marketers can use behavioural labels to promote their offerings directly based on the associated behaviours, while public policymakers can use behavioural labels to encourage prosocial and pro-environmental behaviours.


Valentyna Melnyk (Ph.D., Tilburg University, the Netherlands) is Professor in Marketing and Deputy Head Research at the School of Marketing at UNSW.

Her research tackles novel, society- and/or managerially relevant problems in marketing in the domains of branding, trademarks, consumer behaviour, cross-cultural marketing, advertising, as well as customer loyalty. Her expertise in different research methods allows her to investigate topics that would be hard to study with a conventional single-method approach. For example, she investigated topics such as behavioural labelling, the effects of temperature on responses to emotional communication, consumer de-marketing and effects of loyalty programs termination on customer behaviour. She uses experimental methods, field data and econometric techniques in her research to obtain actionable insights.

Her work has been published in leading journals including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Marketing Research (IJRM), Marketing Letters and Journal of Business Research. She won the international Emerald Literati Award for Excellence (for Outstanding Research) and was a winner or finalist for several best paper and conference awards. She has co-chaired the 2024 ISMS Marketing Science Conference. She has successfully served as an expert witness in international trademark and branding cases for over a decade.

She serves on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM) and reviews for other prestigious journals, including Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Management Science, IJRM.


Brand Venture XXVIII mit Prof. Valentyna Melnyk

Past Brand Ventures

Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XXVI

Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Heritage - wie Markenloyalität vererbt wird

Lecture: 19. 01. 2024

Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XXV

Prof. Joonas Rokka

Atmospheres, bubbles, and effervescence! What makes up compelling experiences?

Lecture: 23. 06. 2023

Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XXIV

Prof. Hans Baumgartner 

I’m lovin’ it - The intergenerational transmission of brand love

Lecture: 24. 01. 2020


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XXIII

Dr. Katharina Husemann

"Consumer Deceleration – The Growing Business of Helping Customers Slow Down"

Lecture: 07. 06. 2019


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XXII

Prof. Gulnur Tumbat

"Branding Life Risk - The Mount Everest Experience"

Lecture: 25. 01. 2019


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XXI

Prof. Susan Fournier

"Managing Person Brands"

Lecture: 22. 06. 2018


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XX

Prof. Bernard Cova

"The Social Life of Brands"

Lecture: 15. 12. 2017


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XIX

Prof. Miguel Brendl

"Improving Negative Brand Image"

 Lecture: 09. 06. 2017 


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XVIII

Prof. Eileen Fischer

"Cobranding Alliances between Product and Person Brands"  

Lecture: 25. 10. 2016


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XVII

Prof. Adam Arvidsson

"Brands on Social Media. Do People Really Care?"

Lecture: 20. 5. 2016


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XVI

Prof. Marcel Zeelenberg

"Towards an Economic Psychology of Greed"

Lecture: 22. 01. 2016


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XV 

Prof. Torsten Ringberg

"Improving a Powertool Brand by Accessing the Subconscious Minds and Subculture of Tradesmen"

Lecture: 19. 06. 2015


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XIV

Prof. Giana Eckhardt

"The Rise of Inconspicuous Brands“

Lecture: 14. 11. 2014



Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XIII 

Prof. Zachary Estes

"Attractive and effective brand elements“

Lecture: 04. 04. 2014



Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XII

Prof. Robert Kozinets

"Social Media Understanding and Small Data"

Lecture: 08. 11. 2013.



Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture XI

Brand Lab Researchers

"Skulpturen und Gerüchte – eine Markengeschichte in drei Akten“ - Die Essenz aus 4 Jahren Forschung am Brand Lab Innsbruck

Lecture: 11. 06. 2013



Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture X

Prof. Koen Pauwels

31. 01. 2013. Lecture: "The Cure for Schizophrenic Marketing: Allocating Marketing Budgets Based on the Full Consumer Journey”

01. 02. 2013. Workshop: “How to Measure and Improve Return on Marketing Investment”



Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

 Brand Venture IX

Prof. Philip Kotler

12. 11. 2012. Workshop. “Tomorrow Will be Different: Marketing in a Changing Environment”

12. 11. 2012. Lecture. “Moving toward Marketing 3.0: The new marketing in the cultural, spiritual and collaborative spheres”



Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture VIII

Prof. Michael von Brück

"In Search of (Brand) Identity between the Ordinary and the Distinctive"

Lecture: 28. 06. 12

Workshop:29. 06. 12


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture VII

Prof. Rupert Sheldrake

"Morphic Resonance and the Fields of Body and Mind"

Lecture: 26. 04. 12
Workshop: 27. 04. 12


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture VI

Prof. Diego Rinallo 

"Branding as Magic"

Lecture: 12. 01. 12
Workshop: 13. 01. 12


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture V

Prof. Johan Schouten and Prof. Diane Martin

"The Evolution of a Consumption Community: Lessons from the Harley-Davidson Experience”

Lecture: 20. 10. 11
Workshop: 21. 10. 11


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture IV

Prof. Jill Avery

"Managing the Dynamics of Consumer-Brand Relationships"

Lecture: 30. 06. 11
Workshop: 01. 07. 11


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture III

Prof. Gerard Tellis

"Does Online Chatter Matter to Marketers?"

Lecture: 19. 05. 11
Workshop: 20. 05. 11


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture II

Prof. Eric J. Arnold

"Building Luxury Legitimacy through the Store"

Lecture: 13. 01. 11
Workshop: 14. 01. 11


Prof. Johanna Gollnhofer

Brand Venture I & Grand Opening

Prof. Sidney J. Levy

"Researching the Brand – Theory and Application"

Lecture: 02. 12. 10
Workshop: 03. 12. 10


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