
Below you find a list of our research result, including a selection of journal publications, book chapters, and conference presentations.

Journal Publications (Peer Reviewed)
  • Estes, Z., and Streicher, M. C. (2021). Getting a Handle on Sales: Shopping Carts Affect Purchasing by Activating Arm Muscles. Journal of Marketing. Best Paper Award 2023 (winner) by the American Marketing Association, Special Interest Group Retail & Pricing
  • Streicher, M. C., Zachary Estes, and Oliver B. Büttner (2021), "Exploratory Shopping: Attention Affects In-store Exploration and Unplanned Purchasing“. Journal of Consumer Research. Best Paper Award 2022 (winner) by the American Marketing Association, Special Interest Group Retail & Pricing
  • Reitsamer, B., M. C. Streicher, and Teichmann, K. (2020) Sensorimotor Experiences in Servicescapes Predict Attitude Formation Through Memory Dynamics: A Longitudinal Study, Psychology and Marketing
  • Botschen G., J. Bernhart and K. Promberger (2017), Brand-driven Identity Development of Places, Journal of Place Management and Development, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp. 152 – 172.
  • Botschen G. and P. Wegerer (2017), Brand-Driven Retail Format Innovation: A Conceptual Framework, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 45, Issue 7/8.
  • Streicher, M. C. and Estes, Z. (2016). Multisensory interaction in product choice: Grasping a product affects choice of other seen products, Journal of Consumer Psychology.
  • Streicher, M. C. and Estes, Z. (2015). Shopping to and fro: Ideomotor Compatibility of Arm Postures and Product Choice, Journal of Consumer Psychology.
  • Streicher, M. C. and Estes, Z. (2015). Touch and Go: Merely grasping a product facilitates brand perception and choice. Applied Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 29(3), 350–359.
  • Botschen G., I. Combe and E. Thelen (2012),"Brand-Driven Leadership for Change Management in Retailing", European Retail Research, Vol. 26(2), 1-18.


Book chapters
  • Botschen Günther and Theken Eva (2012), "Internationale Beschaffung". In: Handbuch Handel, 2. Auflage. Herausgeber: Joachim Zentes, Bernhard Swoboda, Dirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein (eds.), Wiesbaden, Springer, 747-766.
  • Botschen Günther and Kittinger-Rosanelli Christine (2010), Markenorientierter Wandelin Organisationen. In: Change Leadership – den Wandel antizipieren und aktiv gestalten,Harald Pechlaner, Margit Raich, Silvia Schön, Kurt Matzler (eds.), Wiesbaden,Gabler, 1st Edition, 368-396.
  • Botschen Günther (2007), Sagen Sie niemals Leberkäse zu ihm, es ist ein Neuburger!In: Absatzwirtschaft – Zeitschrift für Marketing, 12/2007, S. 40-43.


Conference Proceedings and Presentations 
  • Streicher, Mathias and Zachary Estes (2023): Sensory Sensitivity and Sensation Seeking in Consumption.
    European ACR (EACR), Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Maffei Davide and Botschen Günther (2023), Brand Identity of Places: How Localities Can Achieve Differentiation in a Competitive Tourism Sector and Improve Residents’ Satisfaction, Proceedings of the 30th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, IPDMC 2023, Politecnico di Milano in the Lecco Campus, Italy in in June 7-9, 2023


  • Botschen Günther, Mathias Streicher and Ian Combe (2023), The Supermarket of the Future -A Digital Multisensory Shopping Experience, Proceedings of the 8th Colloquium on European Research in Retailing, 22-23 of June 2023 in Portsmouth, United Kingdom
  • Botschen Günther, Josef Bernhart, Andreas Hermann, Kurt Promberger (2022), Brand Resonance Through Employees’ - Intrinsic Touch Point Engagement, Proceedings of the 21st International Marketing Trends Conference, 20-22 January, Rome, Italy.
  • Botschen Günther, Josef Bernhart, Hans Mühlbacher, Kurt Promberger (2022), Identity-Driven Development of Resonating Touch-Point Experiences - A Socio-Cultural Meaning Approach to Branding, Book of Abstracts of the 28th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Conferences (RARSC), Soora Rasouli and Harry Timmermans (eds.), Baveno, Italy.
  • Botschen Günther (2021), “Identity-Driven Development of Resonating Touch-Point Experiences - A Socio-Cultural Meaning Approach to Branding”, Baveno, Italy.
  • Zachary Estes and Mathias Streicher (2020), “Getting a Handle on Sales: Shopping Carts affect Purchasing by Activating Arm Muscles”, Association for Consumer Research, Virtual Conference.
  • Botschen Günther, Josef Bernhart, Kurt Promberger (2020), Brand-Oriented New Service Design, Book of Abstracts of the 27th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Conferences (RARSC), Soora Rasouli and Harry Timmermans (eds.), Baveno, Italy.
  • Botschen Günther and Hans Mühlbacher (2019), Identity driven Design of Resonating Touchpoint-Experiences, Proceedings of the 10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Nice, France.
  • Botschen, Günther, Josef Bernhardt, Ian Combe, Andrea Hemetsberger and Kurt Promberger (2019), The Flexible Retailer Brand - Aesthetically Folding Physical And Social Environments, Proceedings of the 20th EAERCD Conference: Retailing Challenges for the 20’s, Zaragoza. Spain.
  • Botschen Günther, Josef Bernhart, Kurt Promberger (2019), Drivers of Brand Resonance (DBR) – Identifying and Developing Unique Organisational Brand Identities, Proceedings of the 4th BEE Conference – Business & Entrepreneurial Economics, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  • Botschen, Günther, Ian Combe, Andrea Hemetsberger (2019), Developing ‘The Flexible Corporate Retail Brand’ through Adaptive Aesthetics and Attractive Physical Environments, Proceedings of the 18th International Marketing Trends Conference, Venice.
  • Botschen, Günther and Christine Kittinger (2019), The Future of Retailing, Retail Lab Partner Treffen 2019, pptx. Presentation, Innsbruck.
  • Botschen Günther (2019), Markenresonanz – vom Schein zum Sein, Tiroler Handelsforum 2019, pptx. Presentation, Igls bei Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Oliver B. Büttner, Benjamin Serfas, and Mathias C. Streicher (2019), “Spillover-effects from Context Attractiveness on Product Evaluation: The Role of Thinking Style and Visual Attention,” EMAC, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Botschen Günther, Josef Bernhart, Kurt Promberger (2018), Drivers of Brand Resonance (DBR) – Identifying and Developing Organisational Brand Identities, Book of Abstracts of the 25th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Conferences (EIRASS), Soora Rasouli and Harry Timmermans (eds.), Madeira Island, Portugal, p. 13.
  • Botschen Günther, Andreas Hermann, Josef Bernhardt, Oliver Koll and Kurt Promberger (2018), Stimulating Employees’ Intrinsic Touch Point Engagement to Strengthen Organisational Brand Resonance, Extended Abstract, Proceedings of the 14th International Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image and Reputation, Theme: Technology, brand and people: branding, identity, image and reputation in the emerging technology-mediated world, Grand Hotel San Michele, Calabria, Italy.
  • Bichler Bernhard, Guenther Botschen, Mike Peters, Birgit Pikkemaat (2018), The Role of Attention: An Empirical Study of Service Processes in the Gastronomy Sector, Extended Abstract in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Tourism Management & Related Issues, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Streicher, Mathias C., Zachary Estes, and Oliver B. Büttner (2018), “Attentional breadth affects In-Store Exploration and unplanned Purchasing,” Association for Consumer Research, Dallas, USA.
  • Streicher, Mathias C., Oliver B. Büttner and Zachary Estes (2017), “Eye Buy: Attentional Scope Affects Product Choice via Visual Exploration,” Association for Consumer Research, San Diego, USA.
  • Botschen Günther, Josef Bernhart, Kurt Promberger and Philipp Wegerer (2017), Drivers of Brand Resonance (DBR): A practical Tool for Initiating Place Brand-Stakeholder Relationships, Proceedings of the 4th Corfu Symposium On Managing & Marketing Places, Corfu, Greece. 
  • Botschen Günther, Koll Oliver and Nigg Christina (2017), Transcending “Products” Into Brandgestalt - An Extended Customer Journey Perspective, Proceedings of the 19th European Association for Education and in Commercial Distribution (EAERCD),Dublin, UK.
  • Botschen Günther, Josef Bernhart and Kurt Promberger (2017), Brand driven service innovation: a conceptual framework, paper accepted for presentation at the Global Conference on Services Management, Volterra, Italy.
  • Botschen Günther, Josef Bernhart, Oliver Koll and Kurt Promberger (2017), Translating Organisational Brand Meanings Into Resonating Touch-Point Experiences, paper accepted for presentation at the 3rd International Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image and Reputation (COBIIR2017), London, United Kingdom.
  • Botschen Günther and Philipp Wegerer (2016), Drivers of Brand Resonance (DBR): A practical Tool for Governing Enduring Brand- Stakeholder Relationships, Proceedings of 11th Colloquium On Organizational Change & Development, Change Management: Change Agents, Vienna, Austria
  • Botschen Günther, Felix Piazolo and Max Reitmeir (2016), Brand-driven Retail Format Design, Proceedings of the Colloquium on European Research in Retailing, Toulouse, France.
  • Botschen Günther, Josef Bernhart and Kurt Promberger (2016), Brand-driven Identity Development and Design of Places, Proceedings of the 3rd Corfu Symposium on Managing and Marketing of Places, Corfu.
  • Botschen Günther (2016), Marke aus Leidenschaft, Proceedings CD-ROM, Tiroler Handelsforum, Innsbruck.
  • Botschen Günther, Josef Bernhart, Oliver Koll and Kurt Promberger (2016), Brand-oriented Touch-Point Design, Proceedings of the 15th International Marketing Trends Conference, Venice.
  • Reitsamer, Bernd F., Mathias C. Streicher, and Karin Teichmann (2016), “Why Remembering Matters! Sensorimotor Perception and Re-experience as Driving Forces of Consumer-brand Identification,” AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Las Vegas, USA.
  • Streicher, Mathias C. and Zachary Estes (2016), “Haptic-to-Visual Shape Priming: Grasping a Product Affects Choice of Other Seen Products,” EMAC, Oslo, Norway.
  • Streicher, Mathias C. and Zachary Estes (2016), “Multisensory Integration of Touch and Vision During Product Evaluation and Choice,” Association for Consumer Research, Berlin, Germany.
  • Streicher, Mathias C. (2015), “The Role of Sensorimotor Perceptions in Shaping Product Evaluations and Brand Choice,” Marketing Trends Conference, Paris, France.
  • Botschen Günther (2015), Von der funktionierenden Landesverwaltung zur erfolgreichen Marke, .pptx. Präsentation, Südtiroler Landesverwaltung, Bozen.
  • Botschen Günther, Krischan Florian and Heizer Judith (2015), Brand-Driven Leadership – Content, Didactics and Format of an Interdisciplinary Bachelor Programme to Develop Meanings and Skills of Leadership, Abstract accepted for  BECOMING A LEADER – A Matter of Education, An International Research and Education Conference on Bachelor Programs in Leadership, Whether Leading can be Learnt, and Leadership as a Profession, Bodo, Norway.
  • Botschen Günther (2015), Vom guten Produkt zur starken Marke,  .pptx. Präsentation, Lange Nacht der Betriebe, Lana.
  • Botschen Günther (2015), Von den Bremsen der Veredelung - Sieben Einsichten & eine Formel, Proceedings CD-rom,  Tiroler Handelsforum, Innsbruck.
  • Botschen Günther, Combe Ian, Krischan Florian and Thelen Eva (2014), „Creating your Family Firm Brand‘s Future - Composing and Engaging Socio-cultural Meaning Systems“. Abstract accepted for the 10th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research, May 23-24 2014, Bergamo, Italy.
  • Botschen Günther (2014), „Marken mit allen Sinnen erleben”. Proceedings CD-rom of the Tiroler Handelsforum 2014, March 12, Innsbruck. 
  • Botschen Günther (2014), 7 Thesen zur Profilierung von Händlern und Markenartiklern, Retail Lab Partner Treffen 2013 , .pptx. Präsentation, Volders.
  • Botschen Günther, Bernhard Josef and Promberger Kurt (2014), Brand-driven Identity Development of Urban and Rural Territories - A Normative Interdisciplinary Leadership Approach, Euro Mediterranean Dialogue on Public Management, MED 7, Università di Roma Vergata – Italy.
  • Botschen Günther (2014), Leistung aus Leidenschaft, Retail Lab Partner Treffen 2014 , .pptx. Präsentation, Hall in Tirol.
  • Streicher, Mathias C. and Estes, Zachary (2014), “Visuo-haptic Integration Increases Purchase Intentions Via Processing Fluency,” EMAC, Valencia, Spain.
  • Streicher, Mathias C. (2013), “Gesture Ma(rket)ing: Action speaks louder than words,” Poster presented at Society for Consumer Psychology, Honolulu, USA.
  • Botschen Günther, Combe Ian and Thelen Eva (2013), „Translating Organisational Brand Identities into resonating Customer Experiences“. Paper accepted for the 13th International Marketing Trends Conference, January 25th-26th 2014, Venice.
  • Botschen Günther, Combe Ian, Thelen Eva and Tolchinsky Paul(2013), „Translating Abstract Meanings into resonating Customer Experiences”. Paper accepted for the 8th Colloquium on Organisational Change and Development, September 12th-13th 2013, Ghent.
  • Botschen Günther und Eva Thelen (2012), „Developing the Strategic Brand Identity of Retail Organizations“, Proceedings of the 19th International EIRASS-Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services, Vienna 2012.
  • Botschen Günther (2012): Drivers of Brand Resonance - Developing the Strategic Brand Identity of Organisations. 11th International Marketing Trends Conference; Venice 2012.
  • Botschen, Günther (2012): „Translating Brand Identities into Concrete Customer Experiences and Corresponding Employees Behaviour“; 7th Workshop on Organisational Change and Development; September 2012; Spain.
  • Streicher, Mathias C. (2012), “From the Hands to the Mind: Haptic Brand Signatures,” Association for Consumer Research, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Streicher, Mathias C. (2012), “Embodied Regulation of Purchase Quantity Decisions: Can a Cart's Handlebar Make the Difference,” Society for Consumer Psychology, Las Vegas, USA.
  • Streicher, Mathias C. (2011), “The Multimodal Body of Brand Knowledge: Priming Sensorimotor Experience Activates Brand Knowledge.,” Doctoral Colloquium, EMAC, Ljubljana.
  • Botschen Günther (2011), “Brand-driven Strategic Renewal - Using Brand Identityas a Vehicle for Change”; Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Organisational Changeand Development: Advances, Challenges & Contradictions; Valetta 2011, Malta.
  • Botschen Günther and Thelen Eva (2011), Developing the Strategic Brand Identity ofOrganizations. Proceedings of 16th EAERCD, Conference of European Associationfor Education and Research in the Commercial Distribution; Parma 2011, Italy.
  • Botschen Günther (2011), Advances, Challenges & Contradictions. 6th Workshopon Organisational Change and Development; Proceedings, Malta 2011.
  • Botschen Günther, Oliver Koll and Ian Combe (2011), „The Attraction of Aesthetic Store Atmospherics“,1st International Colloquium on Global Design and Marketing, 8th and 9th December 2011, University of Lincoln.
  • Thelen, Eva; Botschen, Günther (2010): „Behavioral and attitudinal Loyalty – the role of attachment styles“; Handelsforschung Berlin 2010, Deutschland.
  • Botschen, Günther (2010): “Brand-driven renewal”; 5th Workshop on Organisational Change and Development: Core Competencies in a Changing World; 23.-24.09.2010, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria.
  • Thelen Eva (2008), „Kundenreaktionen auf negatives Verhalten von Händlermarken - Spielt die Bindungsorientierung eine Rolle“; Handelsforschung 2008, 27.- 29.11.2008, Wien, Österreich.
  • Botschen Günther and Eva Thelen (2010), Behavioral and Attitudinal Loyalty to Retail Brands: The Role of Attachment Styles. In: EIRASS, Istanbul, Turkey. Book of Abstracts. Eigenverlag.
  • Botschen Günther (2010), A Phase Model for Brand-driven Renewal. In: 5th Workshop on Organizational Change and Development. Vienna, Austria, September 23-24, 2010. Wien: Eigenverlag.
  • Auer-Srnka Katharina, Grohs, Reinhard and Thelen, Eva (2010), Relationships between Orientation, Convenience, Atmosphere, Shopping Value and Behaviour: Conceptual Model and Empirical Evidence. In: Beckmann, Suzanne C.; Ringberg,Torsten; Ritter, Thomas: 39th EMAC Conference. The Six Senses – The Essentials of Marketing, Copenhagen, 1-4 June 2010. Conference Proceedings. Eigenverlag,ISBN 978-87-92569-01-1.
  • Botschen Günther and Hemetsberger Andrea (2009): Aesthetics-driven RetailerBranding. In: Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Association forEducation and Research in Commercial Distribution. Eigenverlag
  • Kittinger-Rosanelli Christine and Botschen Günther (2009): Brand Driven Change: Anin-depth-case study based on Giddens Structuration Theory. In: Conference Proceedingsof the 5th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management.Eigenverlag.
  • Botschen Günther (2008), “Markenorientierter Wandel im Handel”: Handelsforschung 2008, 27.-29.11.2008, Wien, Österreich.
  • Botschen Günther and Eva Thelen (2008), Emotions in Store Switching Processes. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Zagreb. Eigenverlag, S. 191 - 191.




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