Retail Lab Team

Günther Botschen

Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Günther Botschen
Head of Retail Lab

Günther has earned his Magister in Business Administration and Doctorate in Marketing at the Leopold-Franzens-University in Innsbruck. From 1984 to 1997 he taught and researched as a member of the retailing and marketing faculty at Leopold-Franzens-University. From 1997 to 2000 he was Senior Lecturer in marketing at the Aston Business School in Birmingham, UK. In 2001 he founded with two colleagues the Institute of Brand Logic, Innsbruck, a consultancy for the development and leadership of brand-driven companies. In this function he supported well-known corporations in the development and implementation of a brand-driven leadership approach.

In July 2007 he returned to the marketing group as a research fellow and lecturer in retailing. Günther has taught a broad range of subjects to undergraduates, graduates, and executives in Austria, France, Germany, United Kingdom and United States.

Günther is married to Martina. They have two children, Moritz and Laura, and the cat Pezi. He likes convertibles, sailing, red and white wine, tasty beer, fresh produce shopping, going on a mushroom foray and cooking.

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Mathias Streicher

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Streicher 
Scientific Director Retail Lab

Mathias Streicher is an assistant professor of retail management. He is also the scientific director of the Retail Lab. His research has been published in prestigious marketing journals such as the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Consumer Research, and Journal of Consumer Psychology. His work has also been featured in popular media including TV (e.g., ARD), radio stations (e.g., Bayern 2), newspapers (e.g., The Daily Mail) management outlets (e.g., Harvard Business Manager) as well as science podcasts (e.g., Erklär` mir die Welt).

Mathias’ research has been acknowledged with several awards by the American Marketing Association.

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Christine Kittinger-Rosanelli

Dr. Christine Kittinger-Rosanelli
Managing Editor NIM Marketing Intelligence Review

Christine has earned her Magister in Business Administration and Doctorate in Marketing at the Leopold-Franzens-University in Innsbruck. After working as Marketing and Quality Manager at BTV (Bank für Tirol and Vorarlberg) for 7 years she returned to the Marketing Department as Assistant Professor. In 2009 she started her current position as Managing Editor of the NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, a marketing journal published by the Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions (formerly GfK Verein). In 2013 she also returned as Lecturer in Marketing and Retailing to the Department of Marketing, Branding and Retailing at the Innsbruck University where she has been teaching a broad range of subjects including communication, pricing and digital retailing in undergraduate programs.

Liane Scholten

M.Sc. Liane Scholten
PhD Candidate

Liane started her academic career in 2015 at the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein Sieg after completing a volunteer service at a Waldorf school in Strasbourg. As a student of business psychology, she was fascinated by the change from theoretical business studies to the observation of human beings, who are subject to behavioral tendencies and heuristics. After a semester abroad in Chile, she was able to shed light on intercultural differences and similarities. She started her Master's degree at the University of Kassel in 2018 in Economics, Psychology and Management and graduated with the M.Sc. degree in 2020. 

Learn more about Liane...


Regine Andrisek

Mag. Regine Andrisek
Retail Lab Manager        

Regine ist mit (2 Karenzpausen) seit September 2010 im Office Management beim Retail Lab und damit für alle administrativen Belange zuständig. Sie unterstützt das Team tatkräftig bei der Organisation der Lehre, sowie der verschiedenen Events und ist Anlaufstelle für alle Fragen und Sorgen der Retail Student*innen.

Regine hat Sprachen studiert. Neben Ihrer Assistenz im Retail Lab ist sie auch als selbständiger Austria Guide, sowie als Kräuterpädagogin und Bergwanderführerin unterwegs.

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