Mathias Streicher is an assistant professor of retail management. He is also the scientific director of the Retail Lab. His research has been published in prestigious marketing journals such as the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Consumer Research, and Journal of Consumer Psychology. His work has also been featured in popular media including TV (e.g., ARD), radio stations (e.g., Bayern 2), newspapers (e.g., The Daily Mail) management outlets (e.g., Harvard Business Manager) as well as science podcasts (e.g., Erklär` mir die Welt).
Mathias’ research has been acknowledged with several awards by the American Marketing Association.
Areas of Research:
Consumer Behavior
Shopper Marketing
Sensory Marketing
SE Retail Management II (Advanced Course)
Journal Publications:
Estes, Z., and Streicher, M. C. (2021). Getting a Handle on Sales: Shopping Carts Affect Purchasing by Activating Arm Muscles. Journal of Marketing .Best Paper Award 2023 (winner) by the American Marketing Association, Special Interest Group Retail & Pricing
Streicher, M. C., Zachary Estes, and Oliver B. Büttner (2021), "Exploratory Shopping: Attention Affects In-store Exploration and Unplanned Purchasing“. Journal of Consumer Research. Best Paper Award 2022 (winner) by the American Marketing Association, Special Interest Group Retail & Pricing
Reitsamer, B., M. C. Streicher, and Teichmann, K. (2020) Sensorimotor Experiences in Servicescapes Predict Attitude Formation Through Memory Dynamics: A Longitudinal Study, Psychology and Marketing
Streicher, M. C. and Estes, Z. (2016). Multisensory interaction in product choice: Grasping a product affects choice of other seen products, Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Streicher, M. C. and Estes, Z. (2015). Shopping to and fro: Ideomotor Compatibility of Arm Postures and Product Choice, Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Streicher, M. C. and Estes, Z. (2015). Touch and Go: Merely grasping a product facilitates brand perception and choice. Applied Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 29(3), 350–359.
Awards and Research Grants:
2023 Best Paper Award, American Marketing Association, Special Interest Group Retail & Pricing
2022 Best Paper Award, American Marketing Association, Special Interest Group Retail & Pricing
2021 Emerging Scholar Award, American Marketing Association, Special Interest Group Retail & Pricing
2019 FFG Innovation Grant (with Oliver Koll & Philipp Jaufenthaler) – € 10.500
2013 Best Paper Finalist, Association of the German Market & Social Researchers (BVM)
2012 University of Innsbruck Grant for Junior Researchers – € 3.266
2011 Aktion D. Swarovski & Co. Research Grant – € 2.000
News and Media:
Harvard Business Manager (2022): Trizeps aktivieren, Geld sparen
ARD Show „Wer weiß denn sowas?“ (2022) Quizfrage zu Einkaufswagen
The Daily Mail (2021): How putting side handles on a shopping trolley could make you spend more money (and it's all to do with the science of wheelbarrows)
Merkur (2021): Supermarkt: Wer mit dem Bizeps schiebt, gibt mehr Geld aus
Science Daily (2020), “Eyebuy: Sweeping glances can 'cost you money'”.
Die Presse (2020), “Ungeplante Einkäufe verdoppeln sich“.
APA (2020), “Studie: Aufmerksamkeit von Konsumenten leicht beeinflussbar“.
Tiroler Tageszeitung (2020): „Läden sollen Kunden zu größerem Einkauf verleiten“.
Science Daily (2017), “We buy what we grasp: How our hands lead us to choose certain products”.
Wissenswert (2016): “Augen auf beim Einkauf“.
ORF 2 (2016), “Heute Konkret: Haptik im Marketing” (TV interview).
Wissenswert (2013): “Marketing das unter die Haut geht“.